Does anyone else find it disturbing?

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Posted by rich747us on Friday, September 3, 2004 12:49 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by gabe

I love this forum, it is a refreshing way to step back from the hastle of my job and just think about railroading ten minutes every hour or two and allow myself to be enriched by those who know more about railroading than I.

Don't get me wrong, I know political tid bits (which I could also use a break from) and non-sensical things will find its way onto any forum. However, is anyone else a little disturbed that the "Death is Coming in Boxcars" article has received nearly 1000 hits and has a proportional amount of replies? I really hope TRAINS does not take this as an indication of how they can sell more copies.

I admit, I was as curious as the next person when it was posted and read the article. But, when I see the posts listed on this topic and hardly any replies to the (relevant/pertient/interesting) topic concerning CSX's possible bankruptcy (is that based on something more realistic than the death box cars by the way?) and the lack of replies to the many of the other fine topics that have been posted on here, I have to shake my head.


I completely agree with you Gabe! If I want to hear about people dying, people being taken hostage, stuff being blown up, etc. I'll just go watch the news. I come to this website for the sole purpose of pursuing my hobby as a railfan which I've found is great for getting my mind off all the negative crap that goes on in the world today.
When there's a tie at the crossing.....YOU LOOSE! STOP, LOOK, LISTEN, AND LIVE! GOD BLESS CONRAIL!</font id="blue"> 1976-1999 (R.I.P.)

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