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An encounter with the BNSF police
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<P mce_keep="true">[quote user="SFbrkmn"] <P>To our friends Zugmann and Murray: chill out. I'm not knocking law enforcement folks. Just like every profession, there are folks who let their jobs go to their heads and perhaps, that is what took place on the issue of discussion. My brother was a officer for the Sedgwick County sherriff dept for 11 yrs until making a career change and getting out of law enforcement. I'm no stanger to law officers and what they do but again there are bad/dumb apples in every bunch. One of the forum members, who posts mostly on the MR side, is a Resource Protection dept employee at a major yard in the midwest. Perhaps we can get him to come on and give his thoughts of what has been said thus far. </P> <P>[/quote]</P> <P>Ok...and I shook Ronald Reagan's hand in 1980 (in Wichita, Kansas...where I lived at the time...but thats another story for another time).</P> <P>In your original post you derided law enforcement personnel. And I take issue with your disparaging comment of law enforcement personnel (whether in a city, county...or the railroad) as being "Barney Fife types".</P> <P>Any person working law enforcement deserves better respect than that you have given them. They certainly have mine.</P> <P>Perhaps you're the one that needs to chill?</P>
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