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Amtrak funding
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Don, <br /> <br />The reason I was under the impression that a rail project down in Texas made money was because some earlier posts made it sound that way. I was just taking the writer at his word. Based on your research, it appears that they are losing money hand over fist. Now if the local government wants to cover that thinking they are benefiting by not having those folks on the road, I am all for it. The money is all in the locality where it should be. This is the same reason I think the NEC operations should be handled by a regional authority representing the NEC states. Keep the dollars local, and you have more accountability where it should be. <br /> <br />As for the highways, I regret that I have to keep restating the point. Highway users are supporting the construction of their own roadway through user taxes at the pump. Some of the tax revenues go to DC and some go directly to your state legislature. DC puts this money in the hands of DOT and FHWA to build transportation. The money comes back to the states in matching funds when the FHWA approves a project. My only gripes have to do with waste along the way. It is the best model I can find for funding the highway program. So, in my opinion, there is little need for toll roads since the road construction has been paid for by the users already. <br /> <br />BTW Don, check out my recent post tonight to Alexander below. He challenged me to outline a plan for a functioning Amtrak. It has elements of your proposal, but I propose to do it without government involvement wherever possible. Also remember, we both want the same thing I think; a sucessful Amtrak system. We just have different ideas of how that should be accomplished. - Ed
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