Hit in Hocky, or Bombs on a Madrid Train

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 8:04 AM
Nuke the Whole world?

that does sound like a Soviet plot, But as they say in the soviet

In Soviet Russia, You kill Bomb!

It's too late to pull out of Iraq, I was going to put a Sex analogy in here, but i'll skip that, For as long as we know, the USa could be in Iraq for the next 10 years and to quote George W. bush, They could be spending the next 10 years on "The big success" he has created.

Now according to CBC and CTV, it's not as glorious as he makes it sound, but those are his choice of words, not mine.

I'm not completely sure ousting G.W bush is such a great thing, Spain ousted their Conservative Government for a Socialist party.

Do you honestly know what that means??


So that is your basic political scheme:
LEt's start from left and go to right:
-3: Communisim
-2.5 (I couldn't fit this one is) Socialisim
-2 Social Democratic
-1 Liberal
0 Neutral, Center, politically A
1: Liberal conservatisim
2: conservarives
3: Facisim

Now let me tell you, It is extremely Rare for any country to move more thne 2 numbers in any direction for any election, Conservatives will always be conservatives, Liberals will always be liberals.

Spain had a government that, politically was about 2 and they moved to a government that is around -2.5. that is a change of 4.5, And plitical History

You had a government, The conservatives, that are hell bent on Tradition, not very progressive, and pretty much in keeping close ties with the past, and not making Radical movements.

You vote in a left wing party. That are Radicalists, Couldn't give a roaring rip about Tradition, Extremely progressive, and couldn't care less about what ahppened yesturday?

don't get me worng, Left is better if your looking for a sound Economy, Because experts will tell you, Looking in history for solutions on how to solve an economy in Crisis, as that lamb said on aladdin: b-a-a-a-a-aa-d

what was my point...uhhh...

Oh yeah, Ousting George W bush, May prove to be Chotic in a completely other sense, the problem is, We as a people don't know what Other problems there could be after GW takes off.

Dopn't get me worng, I Despise the man.

But is ousrting him the right thing to do?

We will end up opening another can of worms, that no one has even contemplated yet. and no one can even begin to imagine the outcome, I don't care if you (Not you, but you as in general terms) have a PHD in political scienec and can tell everyhting that is going to happen

No one knows what could even be the the resuslts of a new Gov't comming in.

This reminds me of the Railaorad in 1920: Xome accidnets in Canada where head on, and all of them, the Trains saw each other heading for each other, but by the time they saw each other- too late.

Yeah, oh Sh** is right!

Were not going to even realize theres a problem, when a new governemnt is elected until, oh Sh&^ it's too late.

Thats the problem i see.
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 10:59 AM

We've talked about this offline and most of the time we're on the same wavelength but these guys don't care if you hit them hard or if you hit their families hard. Surely the real answer is what we did in Malaysia, you win their hearts and minds and support for the nutters dies - wasn't that the lesson of Vietnam

Sorry guys, I'm not American but I sure am proud of the way the British army handles these problems (I suppose the RAF and Navy do some stuff too)

You have to remember that rationality is yesterday - if the guy wants to die and take you with him pointing a gun at his head doesn't make him think twice.

Lets stick together on this

All the best

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 12:34 PM
True. The best we can do is minimize the opportunity these twisted individuals have to damage us and our way of life. That means better security at home and hitting them abroad where we can to keep them off balance and illustrate to the rest of the world that those who harbor these folks will have a price to pay. The Brits have long been great with covert ops.The SAS, SBS and Commando are legendary. However, one need only look to Northern Ireland to see that solutions to big problems are always long term solutions. The U.S. has done well with certain ops, the SEALS, Special Forces, Marines and their intelligence counterparts, unfortunately, with our very open society this has not always been possible and certain decisions made in the last couple decades have negatively affected our intelligence capability. Hopefully, the efforts being made now will to some degree remedy that shortcoming. Of course, there is no magic solution. Over time, one can hope that may of the "average" people in the muslim world will come to realize the benefits of freedom and a free society. To say coming to that point could be tumultuous is probably an understatement. In the real world nothing comes for free...


QUOTE: Originally posted by 45144


We've talked about this offline and most of the time we're on the same wavelength but these guys don't care if you hit them hard or if you hit their families hard. Surely the real answer is what we did in Malaysia, you win their hearts and minds and support for the nutters dies - wasn't that the lesson of Vietnam

Sorry guys, I'm not American but I sure am proud of the way the British army handles these problems (I suppose the RAF and Navy do some stuff too)

You have to remember that rationality is yesterday - if the guy wants to die and take you with him pointing a gun at his head doesn't make him think twice.

Lets stick together on this

All the best

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Posted by dharmon on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 2:17 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by 45144


We've talked about this offline and most of the time we're on the same wavelength but these guys don't care if you hit them hard or if you hit their families hard. Surely the real answer is what we did in Malaysia, you win their hearts and minds and support for the nutters dies - wasn't that the lesson of Vietnam

Sorry guys, I'm not American but I sure am proud of the way the British army handles these problems (I suppose the RAF and Navy do some stuff too)

You have to remember that rationality is yesterday - if the guy wants to die and take you with him pointing a gun at his head doesn't make him think twice.

Lets stick together on this

All the best


Win their hearts and minds and in the mean time unleash a brigade of Gurkhas and ruthlessly kick the snot out of the Gs at every opportunity. The idea is not to do it half way. Resolve must be met with at least an equal and preferrably greater degree of resolve. It wasn't just the turning the sea in which they swam against them through community service (hearts and minds), it was also creating stiff penalties for those that supported them and actively seeking the bad guys out and engaging them with a complete lack of regard for the bad guys well being so to speak. I am a big fan of the Brit military by and large. Very professional bunch. Northern Ireland though is a perfect example of how a profesional military, anybody's not just the US or UK or Israel, is ill equipped and ill suited to conduct police operations.
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 2:38 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by 45144


We've talked about this offline and most of the time we're on the same wavelength but these guys don't care if you hit them hard or if you hit their families hard. Surely the real answer is what we did in Malaysia, you win their hearts and minds and support for the nutters dies - wasn't that the lesson of Vietnam

Sorry guys, I'm not American but I sure am proud of the way the British army handles these problems (I suppose the RAF and Navy do some stuff too)

You have to remember that rationality is yesterday - if the guy wants to die and take you with him pointing a gun at his head doesn't make him think twice.

Lets stick together on this

All the best


Hey, Kev- i'm half and half

I'm Not at all happy with the way Britian handeled themselves, The simply Went along with the USA

Now for my anaology, Do you have to do everyhting your friend does, if your Friend uses impared judgement, are you quick to suit?

The ability, or the lack of ability to think for ones self, seems abundantly present in Tony Blair's Party. I understand that he felt that is was a just cause..

If i was in Britian, i wouldn't vote the leighbour party back in-

Not a topless women's chance in antarctica.

What utterly petrifies me is the fact that, Question's weren't even asked, it was simply YES! we'll do it.

Thats not the way you do things, you respect the people of that nation, and according to a poll, if Tony blair held an election tommorow, he'd be Toast

So i guess that means he did a very good job at respecting the people of his nation, right?
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Posted by edblysard on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 4:07 PM
Hi Kev,
I know quite well that these nits are perfectly willing, in fact, wanting to die for their cause.
But how about the people around them, who are helping them hide?
Doubt every person in the middle east hates America, or the westren way of life but I bet every one of them would hate having us occupy their country.
Winning their hearts and minds is a fine idea, and I am all for it, but instilling the fear of Uncle Sam's vengence along with it would help too.
The Brits wrote the book on dark operations, but even with all the resources available, we made the mistake on the WMD in Iraq.
And I doubt we would make a real dent in find these guys through sheer intelligence opperations.
The culture is too far removed from ours, and unless someone there takes us up on a big reward, and turns them over to us,the CIA, NSA, and all the three letter crowd will never find them.
And while we are busy winning their hearts and minds, how many more World Trade Centers will we tolerate while we wait?
And I dont doubt for a minute that they will strike us, here at home, again.
Its not a matter of if, its a matter of when and where.
And when they do, retailation should be swift, and harsh.
These people respect strength more that any other quality.
Show them we mean business, and make sure they know what for, and they will think hard about helping these nits any more.
There is no simple way out of this mess.
True, there is not one solution to it all, but a combination of force along with giving them a example of what America has to offer might work.

QUOTE: Originally posted by 45144


We've talked about this offline and most of the time we're on the same wavelength but these guys don't care if you hit them hard or if you hit their families hard. Surely the real answer is what we did in Malaysia, you win their hearts and minds and support for the nutters dies - wasn't that the lesson of Vietnam

Sorry guys, I'm not American but I sure am proud of the way the British army handles these problems (I suppose the RAF and Navy do some stuff too)

You have to remember that rationality is yesterday - if the guy wants to die and take you with him pointing a gun at his head doesn't make him think twice.

Lets stick together on this

All the best


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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, March 27, 2004 3:11 PM
Well I haven't heard much about the hockey hit lately. The train bombing is still getting some press though. And the new bomb found in France is too.

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