East. Pa. NS fans Where are you?

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East. Pa. NS fans Where are you?
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, August 12, 2001 3:43 PM
I need your help. I will be going to Reading, Pennsylvania to watch some trains. I would like to know what are the best places to watch trains and how do i get to these places. Thank You!
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, August 13, 2001 11:34 AM
Best places in Reading are:
1.CP Belt, on Rt 61 accross from the GPU building
2.Wyomissing Jct. Located off of Penn Ave in Wyomissing
3.Tuckerton Rd. crossing in Temple between Rt 61 and 5th street
4.CP Blandon, located in Blandon about 1 mile south of Rt 222.
5. Spring St yard as viewed from parking lot of Reading Outlets in downtown Reading.
Be careful when in the downtown area not to be caught after dark!!!!!

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