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<p>The longest common (i.e., likely to appear in an unabridged dictionary) word:<br />pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis</p><p>Words which contain all five (or six, if you append "ly") vowels in alphabetical order:<br />"facetious", "abstemious", "annelidous", "arsenious".</p><p>Words which contain all five vowels in reverse alphabetical order:<br />"duoliteral", "subcontinental", "uncomplimentary".</p><p>Words which contain the longest strings of consonants:"bergschrund", "borschts", "eschscholtzia", "latchstring", "weltschmerz".</p><p>Longest word with no repeated letters: "uncopyrightable".</p><p>Sentence containing seven spellings of the [i] ("ee") sound:<br />"He believed Caesar could see people seizing the seas."</p><p>Longest words typeable on a qwerty keyboard with left hand: "desegregated", "desegregates", "reverberated", "reverberates", "stewardesses", "watercresses", "aftereffects", "decerebrated", "decerebrates", "extravastate", "gazetteerage", "reasseverate", "terracewards", and "tessaradecad", "aftercataract", "devertebrated", and "tesseradecade".</p><p>Longest word typeable on a qwerty keyboard with right hand: "homophony", "homophyly", "nonillion", "pollinium", "polyonomy", "polyphony", "hypophyllium", "miminypiminy", "phyllophyllin".</p><p>Longest words typeable on a qwerty keyboard with alternating hands: "dismantlement", "antiendowment", "antisudorific", "autotoxicosis", "neurotoxicity".</p><p>And now for one which will be of the most use:<br />Word describing the shape of the bubbles in beer foam: "orthotetrachidecahedrons".</p>
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