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Op Ed - "Railroad monopoly is drag from factory to the supermarket"
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<p>[quote user="alphas"]I'd rather have 7 railroads making money than 40 railroads loosing money. Its just another example of the same old arguement we're used to hearing from the Left--"I don't think something works right so the governent has to step in and run things!"[/quote]</p><p>Why do you think the current 7 Class I's can't make money if they competed nationwide over each other's tracks?</p><p>PS - the current rail oligarchy is a result of the Linda Morgan era of the STB, e.g. it was caused by the "Left". At this point, I don't think the issue of captive rail shippers and how to address that disparity is a leftwing nor rightwing talking point, rather the political leanings are exposed by the proffered *solutions* - reregulation (left wing) or vertical breakup of the oligarchy (right wing).</p>
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