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"New Power Plants Fueled by Coal Are Put on Hold"
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[quote user="blhanel"] <p>[quote user="eastside"]</p><p><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="3"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: 'Courier New'">One of the ways to finesse transportation charges is to site the generating plant at the source of the coal.<span> </span>The Navajo reservation in New Mexico has large reserves of coal. <span> </span>Because they have sovereign status, and are thus immune from state laws, you’d think it would be easy for them to build a generating plant near the Four Corners.<span> </span>However, they are facing intense opposition from other Navajos and environmental groups.</span></font></p><p class="MsoNormal"><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="3"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: 'Courier New'"><a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/27/us/27navajo.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1&hp">NY Times Story</a></span></font></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: 'Courier New'"><br /></span></p><p>[/quote]</p><p>That idea has been discussed <em>ad nauseum</em> on this forum before. The problem with siting the generating plant at the source of the coal is that it also requires copious amounts of water, something that is scarce in Wyoming and the Four Corners.</p><p>[/quote]</p><p>Well, They can expand the Casinos to accumulate the Financing and pipe the water in from somewhere.</p><p>Or unite with other Soveriegn Indian Nations in this Country and site a new COOP Nuclear Plant that does the most benefit to the Nations.</p><p>COOP Power, Nuke style. Especially when sited somewhere with water and free from USA's influence except as a Foreign Power.</p><p>I dont know about other folks, but it is my experience that if you are inside a Soveriegn Indian Nation, the laws of the United States no longer applies to you, only Tribal Law for that location. Eventually I think with the new-found capital these Nations are enjoying from a Casino and other profitable ventures they may someday be forming such a Nation with united States if you will within our own USA.</p><p>Generally Im treated as a Foreigner and that is ok.. unless I try to shop lift a pack of gum from one of the Indian stores. (No Im not talking about the Kwik Mart neither)</p><p>Let's talk some more about Coop Nuclear power shall we?</p><p>Finally to the poster who pointed to France with her Nuclear Power and TGV's I offer a statement that this US of A is incapable of such achievements within our own time except for one isolated corridor filled with watered down Acelas.</p>
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