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[quote user="jeaton"] <p>Of course water vapor is the primary greenhouse gas. </p><p>Here is a 1995 report by the American Geophysical Union that describes the studies and research up to that time and clearly points to just how increases in water vapor can have a major increase in global warming.</p><p><a href="http://www.agu.org/sci_soc/mockler.html">http://www.agu.org/sci_soc/mockler.html</a> </p><p>Here is an interesting excerpt: </p><p>"Warm air can sustain a higher concentration of water vapor than cooler air without becoming saturated. Consequently, as air warms, for whatever reason, more evaporation may take place and the concentration of water vapor may increase. An increase in water vapor enhances the greenhouse effect and gives rise to further warming. This positive feedback, warming from increased greenhouse gases leading to an increase of water vapor and therefore even more warming, is a feature of climate models used for estimating the effect of increased greenhouse gases. According to the 1990 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, <em>Climate Change: The IPCC Scientific Assessment</em> [<cite><a href="http://www.agu.org/sci_soc/mockler.html#houghton">Houghton et al.,</a></cite> 1990], <strong>this feedback could amplify the temperature change due to a doubling of carbon dioxide by some 60%.</strong> The IPCC update, scheduled for release in 1996, does not change this conclusion."</p><p>[/quote]</p><p>Wow! So global warming increases water vapor, which increases global warming, which increases water vapor, etc. And this is all caused by man's CO2 contributions, e.g. the claim that CO2 levels have doubled due to man!</p><p>Except of course that the function that increases water vapor also increases CO2. That function is natural warming. The problem with the IPCC is that it tries to state that increase in water vapor is natural, but the increase in CO2 is not. A clear violation of scientific protocol, one that proves the IPCC is nothing but a political body. </p><p>Both water vapor and CO2 increase with global warming. This is proven by the fact that warming tends to precede increases in both water vapor and CO2 by about 600 years.</p><p>Now, if CO2 was the *cause* of the warming, wouldn't logic dictate that the CO2 increase would have preceded the warming trend?</p>
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