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Energy, Powder River Basin, and the DM&E
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[quote user="Murphy Siding"] <p>[quote user="futuremodal"]You're still not differentiating between a dollar spent on or by BNSF/UP and a dollar spent on or by someone <em>other than</em> BNSF or UP. How does capacity growth on BNSF help UP, CP or KCS? [/quote] Why should capacity growth on BNSF <em>have</em> to help UP,CP,KCS or any other railroad. Is the goal to get more coal to power plants, or simply to take business away from BNSF? Would it be any different if only UP increaced capacity?</p><p>( pssssst: You're letting your anti-BNSF ideas cloud the issue again<span class="smiley">[;)]</span>)</p><p>[/quote]</p><p>I'm not really sure why you are stuck on the status quo as being the prefered alternative in this debate. This has nothing to do with being pro-BNSF or anti-BNSF, pro-UP or anti-UP, pro-DM&E or anti-DM&E, nor pro-MS&P or anti-MS&P. It's about what's best for the country in terms of a reliable cost <font color="#ff6600">competitive</font> supply of coal for it's power plants. The key word there is <font color="#ff0000">competitive</font><font color="#000000">, an idea that seems not to take root in your analysis of the situation. You seem to be okay with the notion of a continued duopoly out of the PRB as being the best alternative, but of course you are not in the energy biz so you don't see things the way we do. Suffice it to say, just adding incremental capacity to UP and BNSF coal hauling lines, regardless of who pays for it, is not going to alleviate the situation to any great extent. We need more players in the basin, and we need more lines leading out of the basin.</font></p>
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