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DM&E Denied $2.5 Billion Taxpayer Backed Loan
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[quote user="ericboone"] <p>[quote user="futuremodal"]DM&E just needs to go back to the FRA and apply for a grant, rather than a loan. Then we'll see just what kind of excuse the oligarchy prostitutes at the FRA will use to reject <em>that</em> request.[/quote] </p><p><font face="helvetica" size="2">Hey what's a little more corporate welfare going to hurt? It's just the taxpayer's money. Do they think they can spend it better than we all knowing politicians and government bureaucrats?<br /></font></p><p>[/quote]</p><p>It gets back to the philosophy of why we have government influence in a free market society. The purpose of government oversight in a free market economy is to ensure and even nurture a healthy competitive market environment. It is <strong><em><u>not </u></em></strong>to favor a few oligarchs by subsequently discriminating against up and coming enterprises.</p><p>It does no one any good for oversight agencies such as the FRA to just give money away to a few large powerful Class I's, and then turn around and deny a <em>loan</em> to a Class I wannabe. If anything, the FRA should be giving the grants to the up and comers like DM&E, and should restrict aid to the Class I's in the form of loans only. If the Class I's want government money, let them start paying into a user fee system from which most of those funds can be drawn. You know, like truckers and barge operators do.</p><p>I wonder what would happen if all the grants given away to the Class I's over the last decade were retroactively repackaged as loans?</p>
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