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Why did Alco PAs smoke like chimneys?
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[quote]QUOTE: <i>Originally posted by dharmon</i> <br /><br />[quote]<i>Originally posted by kenneo</i> <br />I mentioned before in an earlier thread that the Navy uses EMD 567s and 645s in aircraft carriers as standby generators. They use a compressed air starter, operated an electrically closed valve. If power fails, the valve opens and starts the generator. They, fortunately aren't used too much in this manner, but they are tested periodically. It never failed though, I'd be on the bridge and the engineers would call up and tell us they were going to start a diesel for maintenance........two minutes later, almost on que the bridge phones would start ringing with reports of smoke from all over the ship..... <br />[/quote] <br /> <br />Heh! At least your engineers got the emergency diesel generators running. When I was on the old CG-10, we had an ED right below my berthing space. Whenever we'd go dead in the water, the diesel wouldn't start. Made the Chief Engineer's life very difficult, since his ENs couldn't seem to get them running. <br /> <br />I'm no expert on Alco locomotives, but I did read that the PAs were plagued by troubles because Alco "hurried" them onto the market to compete with EMD. I don't know all the particulars, just what I had read.
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