This was a nice one evening project. In lack of a red LED I've used a white one and painted them red.
Pueblo & Salt Lake RR
Come to us my videos my blog
I LIKE IT! Am I correct in assuming that he's picking up track power through the "board" he's standing on and therefore can do his job anywhere on the railroad?
Grand River & Monongah Railroad and subsidiary Monongah Railway
Whew! For a second there, you had me worried, as I hadn't studied.
Good idea, Wolfgang, and nicely executed, too. If you used conductive paint, you could use a circuit board tie, properly gapped of course, right under the rails. You'd need to remember where you placed them, though.
Flaggy is glued to a PC board tie. Here a pic from my blog.
There's a 1,5 kOhm resistor and three (!!) brass angles. This way I can stick Flaggy at any track. Even H0n3 track. I've used very thin magnetik wire, 0,1mm diameter.
Deja vue
markpierceDeja vue
I knew that.