Picture Issue in Signature

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Picture Issue in Signature

  • I tried posting this in an existing topic, so as not to start a new one but got no responses.  And I note that others are having the same issue.

    So my picture in my sig is cut off at the bottom 2/3 rds (see below).

    How do I fix that?



    Keep on Trucking, By Train! Where I Live: BC Hobbies: Model Railroading (HO): CP in the 70's in BC and logging in BC
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  •  rrinker wrote:
    For the benefit if a few who keep whining in some of the other forums about this issue, what did you do to fix it? I don;t have any issues, but I also don't have a sig picture, mainly because I'm not a big fan - I can't get broadband for any price so anything that makes thing take longer to load - I automatically don't like Tongue [:P]


    The picture I was using ended up too small (I deleted the link, saved, then re-linked), so I simply deleted it and added in my Pathfinder taking the road less traveled to see trains  Big Smile [:D]

    Keep on Trucking, By Train! Where I Live: BC Hobbies: Model Railroading (HO): CP in the 70's in BC and logging in BC
  • For the benefit if a few who keep whining in some of the other forums about this issue, what did you do to fix it? I don;t have any issues, but I also don't have a sig picture, mainly because I'm not a big fan - I can't get broadband for any price so anything that makes thing take longer to load - I automatically don't like Tongue [:P]


    Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's


    Visit my web site at www.readingeastpenn.com for construction updates, DCC Info, and more.

  • Fixed  Big Smile [:D]
    Keep on Trucking, By Train! Where I Live: BC Hobbies: Model Railroading (HO): CP in the 70's in BC and logging in BC