wiring and computer advice

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wiring and computer advice

  • I hope someone can help me out. I want to wire an oval in 12 blocks and have a computer control which blocks are receiving power. Probably a sensor to determine the location of the track vehicle.
    What computer program is available?
    How is the computer connected to the blocks?
    Thanks in advance.
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  • There are a couple of systems available

    http://www.jlcenterprises.net Bruce Chubb's C/Mri

    http://www.cti-electronics.com/ Train brain

    http://www.trainpriority.com/ the Conductor by Kam industries

    These are just a few I did as google search for " COmputer Control model railroad and get 76,000 hits

    I have loked at a few but $ is an issue for me right now... No preference.

    bruce Chubbs can be built by you getting boards from his website and going to an electronic store for the rest...

    Look at all and figure what you need it to do