NORFOLK Southern j 611 news

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NORFOLK Southern j 611 news

  •  i love trains .com but i think that there has been more on the big boy steam  comming back then j 611 coming back  i have heard on facebook that there been donation from all over the world  on its return to steam  i would like to balance out both steam returns  if possible 

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  • Basic facts of life:

    1. UP has put out more press releases than NS.
    2. There are a lot more railfans in the Los Angeles Basin then there are in the Roanoke area.
    3. Forum comments are originated by individual posters.  Very few come from Kalpubco, and those mainly outline the rules and point out violations.

    Since I am primarily interested in rail operations on the far side of a rather wide ocean and don't live anywhere near either 611 or 4014, I have no dog in this hunt.  Maybe, if NS would toot its own horn as much, and as loudly, as UP, the increased coverage you want would be forthcoming.

    (I will point out that Kalpubco, based in Wisconsin, is in the same position as I am - only colder and with more precipitation.)
