Technical Issues After August 13, 2012 Maintenance

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Technical Issues After August 13, 2012 Maintenance

  • richhotrain




    1. Is it possible to have the "EMAIL ME REPLIES TO THIS POST" check box un-checked as the default rather than the other way around?  I prefer not have reply notices sent to my e-mail address if I forget to un-check the box.  There also doesn't appear to be a way to change that in edit mode once you've posted.

    Holy Batman !

    I have about 6,567,894 replies in my personal email box.  Now I see what you mean, Tom.

    Turn that stupid "Email me replies to this post" thing off.


    Hi Rich!


    Let's see then.

    It seems the default setting is now to "EMAIL ME REPLIES TO THIS POST". If you go to  your profile, you can unclick this setting.


    Do I need to click on Rich Text or Email Me Replies to see my Profile???   Laugh

    Nope, under your name on the right side of the page, click on "Manage Profile".

  • rrinker

    Yeah, way too much whitespace, and one thing that didn;t get fixed was the width of the message area, if you make your browser window wider, it just gets more tan space on the sides. Bummer since I just got a second widescreen monitor so I can have a maximized browser and still do other things, but the sizes here are fixed.


    Yeah, and the more quotes you have in your replies, the thinner and longer they get!

  • MikeF90

    My first impression was that the page template is so ............. 1999. It formats the columns very narrowly to a fixed width and doesn't take advantage of a modern 1280 pixels wide LCD. It would look great on my old CRT monitor though.

    Still dog slow in the middle of the day. Oh well, I guess that beggars can't be choosers.

    A little too much white space. Note the top and bottom margins of your post over the signature.

    Oh wait, this probably is to accomodate the iSheeple who Must Consume All Content on their mobile devices.

    Baaaaa.  Baaaaa.

    I'm finding, for me, it's slower than before.  I usually didn't have problems with Trains, other railfan forum/websites yes, but not so much with Trains.  It reminds me of media (TV, newspaper) websites that have so much "content" etc, that has to open up first.  I must admit I don't have as much problem on my laptop, that is newer than the dinosaur I'm using at home.

    I agree with others that some things seem to be a step back.  Maybe some small changes are still being worked out and we won't have to jump thru new multiple hoops instead of the old single hoop to view or post something.

    If not, I suppose the "new and improved" will soon become familiar enough.  The more we use it, the more we will get used to it.  In time, like mold, it will grow on us.   


  • Brent!

    Hilarious post about your new mouse!!



    I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!

  • I wonder what percentage of forum users will actually benefit from the supposedly more friendly format for mobile devices, vs how many will have to suffer through the learning curve required to deal with the changes on their PCs.

    Bottom line for me is that the change is a PITA, albeit minor. My biggest complaint is that tonight I had to suffer through the learning curve. Oh well, I still know how to use a dial telephone!

    It seems that that the more I look into the future, the more I am seeing the dust from progress getting in my face! Getting older is the pits!


    I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!

  • I agree.  This format sucks.  IT WASN'T BROKE!  WHY "FIX" IT?


    Gary M. Collins


    "Common Sense, Ain't!" -- G. M. Collins


  • Gidday,  Hmm Hmm  Well I guess there are some improvements as we can now change fonts, colours, and size.

    However as a "technological luddite" I dislike change.

    Don't care if my post count is not available, though how do you welcome new forum members??

    I did not mind giving my location under my avatar, actually thought it might be an advantage when asking a silly question, other forum members could see that its just that that "Daft Kiwi", and answer, or not, accordingly.

    I guess I'll just have to harden up, after all the forum is Free.  Sigh

    Cheers,the Bear

    "One difference between pessimists and optimists is that while pessimists are more often right, optimists have far more fun."

  • welmblad

    Post counts are maintained by the search database --  which is being rebuilt. This process is taking longer than expected

     LOL - I have a feeling of deja-vu all over again ... :-)

     Let's hope it won't take weeks or months this time - last major upgrade re-indexing took a lot longer than it should have done - so search was messed up for weeks and weeks, possibly due to poor choices for data structures and indexing strategies.



  • In order to remove the check mark from the "Email Me Replies to this Post", I had to click about 20 different buttons, one for each and every forum.

    That is one thing that I notice about this new format.  Instead of doing things once, you have to do it for each and every forum.

    The same is true for Your Discussions.  Instead of grouping all of Your Discussions together, they are grouped for each forum.  So, you can no longer find everything in one place.  You have to find Your Discussions for each and every forum.

    So, what's the point of even having a Your Discussions feature?  It is no longer useful.


    Alton Junction


    Well this is just ducky, I had been spending less time on here anyway, so those of you who don't care for my directness or my sarcasm might just get your way and hear even less from me.


    Sheldon, if we click on Rich Text Formatting, we can read your posts and replies without the directness or sarcasm.

    One of the advantages of Rich Text Formatting is that it will sanitize the responder's remarks, making it impossible for the thread to be locked or for the forum member to be disciplined.

    Here is an example without Rich Text Formatting.  "Hey, what do you know about DCC, you goofus."

    Here is the the same remark with Rich Text Formatting. "Sir, your level of knowledge about DCC interests me, albeit, you are indeed knowledgeable about DC".

    With Rich Text Formatting, you type whatever you want, and Rich Text Format simply rewords your response to in a much more discrete manner.

    Ya see, the new format is better than the old format.   LaughLaughLaugh


    Alton Junction

  • On another thread, I posted 2 pictures just fine, but when I tried to post a 3rd picture, nothing happened when I clicked the "Insert" button.  I tried this several times.  Is there a limit to the number of pictures?

    It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

  • I just had a list of grievances and it promptly caused my page to have to reload and the post disappeared!

    We'll make this quick this time!  I wish they would condense the list of threads so you don't have to scroll down to see what's  being discussed. 

    I can't use my google spell checker.  I guess I'll just use the forums tool instead, no biggy.



  • My email settings did not change, I'm not (yet) getting barraged with emails.

    One thing that seems messed up is any indication of new posts in a thread. Used to change the titel color. I just noticed that only seems ot be happenign for completely new threads, the one's I've already viewed appear the same shade regardless of wether or not there are new posts in it. THAT will be annoying, having to go back to checkign the latest post date.


    Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's


    Visit my web site at for construction updates, DCC Info, and more.

  • rrinker

    My email settings did not change, I'm not (yet) getting barraged with emails.

    One thing that seems messed up is any indication of new posts in a thread. Used to change the titel color. I just noticed that only seems ot be happenign for completely new threads, the one's I've already viewed appear the same shade regardless of wether or not there are new posts in it. THAT will be annoying, having to go back to checkign the latest post date.


    Yup, I hope they change that as well as not having to go to the first page of a thread every time you click on it.  I'm sure they'll fix this stuff.

  • Yeah it shows the icon for the user who created the thread. That's nice,but more useful would be an icon indicating unread messages. Just verified, after reloading the page, the section for this thread looked exactly the same as it did after my previosu post, witht he exception that the latest post was by Corey so I knew someone posted after me.


    Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's


    Visit my web site at for construction updates, DCC Info, and more.