Technical Issues After August 13, 2012 Maintenance

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Technical Issues After August 13, 2012 Maintenance

  • simon1966

    If I could change one thing, it would be that there would be more threads per page when looking at the main categories.  With fewer threads per page, things will drop off the front page more quickly and so are less likely to be responded to.

    Yeah, twenty items isn't near enough. And they could change the colors from these light pastel colors to something I can easily see. Blues and grays are the pits for me.

    Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
              Joined June, 2004

    Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
    Space Mouse for president!
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    beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

  • baberuth73,

                        I never though of an ax.  I will say that after sinking $3K  and eight months into a rustbucket of 91 Probe GL and getting nowhere, getting even with the sledgehammer and sawzall made me feel better.  The look on the face of of the salvage yard owner that bought it and towed it out was priceless.

  • its alright the color is a little bothering but it seems the same to me.

  • hon30critter


    Here is my big beef with the new format! I seem to have to hit the 'back' button two or three times before it responds. Anyone else experiencing this?

    DevilSmile, Wink & GrinLaughLaughLaugh

    Actually, I'm serious. The back button doesn't respond the first time I hit it. No big deal. Any suggestions?


    I've been having the same problem with IE 9 but not with Firefox. I wonder if there is an IE 9 fix.


  • Their old format was not a good one. It had things wrong with it. HOWEVER they could of told us about the major change. This was a lot more than " we will be down for maintenance", That is all I remember seeing.

    "IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks 

      Charter Member- Tardis Train Crew (TTC)   - Detroit3railers-  Detroit Historical society Glancy Modular trains- Charter member BTTS

  • Being that I'm a rookie compared to some of the veteran members here, I only knew from the last format and was used to it. This new format seems ok to me. But some of the other features I miss are:

    1 - Knowing where the poster lives. Although you can add that to your signature area but not all do that, for many different reasons.

    2 - When they became a member. This just tells me how long ther've been a part of this group.

    I know these are minor details but they are just some of the things I've missed so far.


    Bayville, NJ


    Life is what happens to you
    While you're busy making other plans - John Lennon

  • Editors, PLEASE change the forum back to the way it was. I HATE it!

    Seems like some of us have heard this before.     "change.....back to the way it was"

    Remember the 'good old days'?      "Wind-up" toy trains and wooden "push-it-along by hand" toy trains or maybe even, Lionel Multivolt Transformers Type A. 

    Like it or not, things do change but, I do think that, with refinements, the new format will work fine.


  • Traindaddy - What's wrong with "Wind-up" toy's?????????


    Bayville, NJ


    Life is what happens to you
    While you're busy making other plans - John Lennon

  • Joe,

    I sympathize with you about the back button, but I've had trouble with the back button before the change and on other web sites.

    I wish that was my only problem.

    I can't get the e-mail selection to stop sending me e-mail from all of Kalmbacks sites.

    Also it used to be that you could read a thread and decide if you wanted to receive updates on it. If others can I can't.

    Just so much junk mail in my inbox.

    The change was described before hand as maintanence. What a joke that was.



  • steinjr

    What makes you believe that the old version wasn't broken and didn't need to get fixed?

     Ever noticed performance issues with the old version?

     There is a new version now. So we have to deal with the new version

    The old version actually was working fine for me in the past couple of months.  Whatever issues once existed seemed to have resolved.

    We don't have to deal with the new version ... I've already found myself seeking other avenues.

    Anyway, enough has been said.  Cheers

    Rio Grande.  The Action Road  - Focus 1977-1983

  • riogrande5761

    We do have a choice, we can "deal with the new version" or we can vote with our feet. 

     Sure. Seems a bit overwrought to me, but If you feel you must leave, you should of course feel totally free to do so.


    I know it may sound like a negative nancy post but companies do need to listen to customers and fans feelings and opinions.  One trend I've noticed with companies in the past 10-15 years is that companies tend to tell us, the customer how things are going to be rather than try to listen to the customer and serve them based on their desires and wants.

     Do Kalmbach need to ask (and get) your (or my) permission before they make changes to their system?

     No. Their server, their decisions.

     But as for the information strategy Kalmbach chose for this software version change  - I totally agree that it so far has been utterly pathetic. 

     The information seems to pretty much be limited to one sticky post from "anonymous" in the Community Assistance Forum of the forum.  Nobody seems to be assigned to answering questions and following up posts, summarizing known problems, known changes that many ask for, again pointing out where the help page is, pointing out improvements and so on and so forth.

     If I was going to do a version change like this, I would have made darned sure to give people lots of information. Both before I started - about what I was planning to do, why the upgrade had been decided, and during the transition.

     And I would have made sure to keep an updated liste of changes and reported bugs in one location, with stickies in all forums referring people to that location (with a link).

     I also would have someone on duty scouring the forums for threads with questions, rants and complaints, answering questions, making notes of reported bugs and problems and deleting stuff that is just rants and venting.

     What pisses people off the most is not the new forum software as such. It is a crappy information strategy. Being surprised. And the blame for that probably falls squarely on the shoulders of someone at Kalmbach.



  • superbe
    I can't get the e-mail selection to stop sending me e-mail from all of Kalmbacks sites.

    Suggest that you look at the following link and see if following the described changes helps eliminate this problem:

  • maxman,

    My options is to open "E-mail Notifications"

    When open I get the following:


    As you can see it gives the choice of receive or remove. In frustration I just decided to do the reverse of what I was doing and clicked on remove for  the ones I wanted and receive for the one I don't.

    This seems to be working but still can't just select indivedual threads.

    Can't figure out why there are two different notification windows.

    Thanks for the reply




  • maxman,

    I got to the window you suggested by going tghrough "Community Settings"




  • Ray:     That's a beauty!      Answer:   Per se, absolutely nothing.        Thanks for the picture.