Technical Issues After August 13, 2012 Maintenance

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Technical Issues After August 13, 2012 Maintenance

  • Is it me or does the icon that shows up for TRAINS and related forums in "My Favorites" look more like a Bus than a train?


  • Whistling

    Bob is not my Uncle,

    but I am with Bob on this one completely.  (that's Seamonster).....

     So, MR,  IT or whomever,  You have really missed the mark this time.

    My wife is happy as I have less desire to be on the forums than I had before the  update  downgrade.

    Johnboy out.........................

    from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North.. 

    We have met the enemy,  and he is us............ (Pogo)

  • People, especially Americans, seem to risist change at any time at any level.  A few of the more vocal will actually fight it.   So far, I have no real problems and only one complaint, and that is minor.

    I would rather be presented with something new and elect to "follow" as presented befor rather than having to elect to "stop" whatever I don't want to follow as now..

    RIDEWITHMEHENRY is the name for our almost monthly day of riding trains and transit in either the NYCity or Philadelphia areas including all commuter lines, Amtrak, subways, light rail and trolleys, bus and ferries when warranted. No fees, just let us know you want to join the ride and pay your fares. Ask to be on our email list or find us on FB as RIDEWITHMEHENRY (all caps) to get descriptions of each outing.

  • Bob, you hit the nail on the head on this one. Good grief. This is supposed to be an improvement????? How anyone could label this as user friendly is beyond me. The forum has now gone the way of the magazine. I'm on woodworking forums and gun forums and I have to say this is the worst format I have encountered.

  • maxman

     2) Post counts will not return. But - once reindexing of the forums are done - "badge" icons for each user will come - showing you roughly how many posts someone has made.


    Unless you are privy to information which is not available to the rest of us, this statement seems contradictory to what was posted by Welmblad on page 5 of the following thread:

     I must learn to never post with a CRP of 230 - it makes me overly testy.

     You are right - Wade said the information will be back. I had seen that, but I made the inference, based on the help page, section 19, that it would be displayed as badges:. May or may not be a correct inference - depends on what Wade meant by the information being back.

    Time for me to go sit down and take my pills, I think. Sorry about being such a grouch.



  • IT changes in this case are to normally make things easier and more attractive to increase usage, references, etc.   To me, the new changes are fine as far as looks and added editing options.

    I like to know the locations of the poster--this forum is not just for US participation for example and it's nice to know where people are from/who are participating w/o having to click on their icon and move back and forth between pages.  It was nice to just scroll down and read the posts.   

    As far as post counts--it is helpful to know if someone is new or has been at it a long time.  I would like to see them divided up by categories such as General, Electrical, Prototype, etc.  so we can know more about those with whom we are "conversing".     I suspect a few somebodies complained that some had more than others and the green monster came out.   

    At any  point in time there's between 30 and 50 people online so it's really a small universe anyway. 


  • I am not sure if this has been mentioned before, but I can no longer get E-mail up-dates on threads I am interested in (or have replied to)

      I am not exactly the best at remembering stuff, and most of the time, unless I have a reminder, like an E-mail saying that something was posted to a forum topic I was interested in, I would forget about it untill long after the thread had been gone (fell off of page 1 of the forum it was on)


    I tried the E-mail notifications for my profile, but it sent every update on every forum topic between when I activated the option (yesterday) and when I disabled the option (about 5 minutes ago today). And, it was not exactly fun trying to sort through the E-mails for the handful of topics I was interested in.


    If the "E-mail me when replies were posted" option for a whole topic could be brought back, I would really like it a lot.


  • Its not really free. People who are subscribed to the magazine are paying for it. But they did not ask us.


  • I suppose it is free since there is no requirement to subscribe (although I do, to two of the magazines).  The new setup is annoying, largely, from my view point, because everything is rather pastel looking.  I prefer a bit more contrast for easier reading.  This all seems to blend together.

  • Life is change. Guess we need to adjust. I can do without their reminder of when my last issue will be sent,,,,,,,as if I DON'T know. Buy the way Free is not Free. Nothing is Free Smile, Wink & Grin

    Joined 1-21-2011    TCA 13-68614

    Kev, From The North Bluff Above Marseilles IL. Whistling


  • AF1963
    The new setup is annoying, largely, from my view point, because everything is rather pastel looking.  I prefer a bit more contrast for easier reading.  This all seems to blend together.

    You just nailed my biggest problem with it. I'm somewhat colorblind. I have trouble with grays and certain shades of blue. The reply box toolbar appears to be almost white to me and I have to highlight the text in the area above the toolbar just to see it. If I don't I can't see it.

    Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
              Joined June, 2004

    Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
    Space Mouse for president!
    15 year veteran fire fighter
    Collector of Apple //e's
    Running Bear Enterprises
    History Channel Club life member.
    beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

  • I think the page number you are on should be in red and the shadow box should be on the other pages available. Currently the page you are on has the shadow box. This is different from other forums and from this forums previous setup. When navigating through a multiple page thread I have selected the shadow box several times thinking that was the next page just to reload where I currently am.

    I think there is to much dead space between thread topics in the discussion boards. There used to be less space between threads thus leading to more threads per page in this area. I really don't prefer to load 10 different pages to read through the different topics that use to show on one page.

    Forum loads slower than previous build. I have also received a few DNS errors when loading the forums.

    Just a few growing pains....Keep up the great work...

  • Why can't I change my profile settings? I want to add my birthday but it will not let me save. Also there is no option for me to poat on the CTT forum pages??? WHY?? There is no New Post button???



    Joined 1-21-2011    TCA 13-68614

    Kev, From The North Bluff Above Marseilles IL. Whistling


  • All my complaints have already been said. Since the fire gas en

     The timbers beneath the rails are not the only ties that bind on the railroad.
    -Robert S. McGonigal

  • ...enough fuel, here's something I actually LIKE: mobile version! Only, as i just figured out, there is no way to edit your post if you accidentally hit 'post' on mobile. Whoops.

     The timbers beneath the rails are not the only ties that bind on the railroad.
    -Robert S. McGonigal