Picture posting

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Picture posting

  •  Self exlanitory.....how do I do it?

    Dennis Blank Jr.

    CEO,COO,CFO,CMO,Bossman,Slavedriver,Engineer,Trackforeman,Grunt. Birdsboro & Reading Railroad

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  • One of the prettiest...
  • Photobucket would be your best bet in my opinion.  I have used several web photo hosting sites in the past only to find that they had limited features.  For instance, photobucket has editting features where you can crop, resize, and customize your photos.  The features I listed make displaying photos much easier to figure out.  The instructions for posting and size limitations are featured on this site as well as photobucket.  I was also a fan of photobucket because they seem to "police" the photos posted on their site, making it more "family friendly."  In this day in age, that is important to me.

     I made a forum siggy from this picture.  Using the features on photobucket I spiced it up a bit. 



    See sig below



  • Dennis: The easiest way to explain it is that you copy and paste a link from a photo hosting service. I use Photobucket and there are many others that have this photo hosting service. The linked photo like the one below then shows up on the Trains.com Forum page. Try it out and see how it works.



    COTTON BELT: Runs like a Blue Streak!