WSOR Train Chase

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WSOR Train Chase

  • Today we went down to Waukesha to see what kind of trains we can catch...In town we stopped at McDonalds for some breakfast

    We then headed over to the gas station to fill up...Boy to these Hummers suck gas and the way gas is now days we should have taken a different vehicle

    Across the street from the gas station was the Army National Guard

    So I walked over by the fence and took a pic of some of there toys

    We then left the gas station and took a shot of down town Waukesha and way at the end of the street you can see the WSOR tracks

    We drove up to where the WSOR connects to the WC here at Grand Ave

    We then heard off in the distance a horn we thought it was the CP so we just sat here for a little bit to see what it was....It got louder and louder so we knew it had to be a "Wizzer" train coming up....Sure enuff here comes a WSOR train up from Janesville heading for Slinger train symbol JH

    To our surprise we see the WSOR 25th year loco

    We raced it to the other side of town where it was starting to pick up speed as it leaves town

    Another shot of the helper unit

    At Duplainville now where the WC crosses the CP Minnesota to Chicago mainline we see the WSOR just about to stomp over the diamond...Running on WC rails they can go a lot faster rather on there home rails they have to go slow

    We then let it go on with its journey and the last train we heard on the scanner was a train coming from Fond du Lac heading for Milwaukee

    J Trane
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    "It's a great day to be alive" "Of all the words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, It might have been......"
  • Neat.
    "It's a great day to be alive" "Of all the words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, It might have been......"