Doesn't seem right

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Doesn't seem right

  • Something doesn't work out here..... that's with 25 hoppers[?] I never use GP38-2 in anything, it doesn't work.... try getting up with the default consist.....
    i'll try to use my d9 with 87 oil on the grade see how it works.
    Good Luck
  • Yes, it does recognize other engines in the consist. I have created quite a few activites for Sandpatch, Cajon and Tehacapi Pass. These are all a steeper grades that MP. I have done quite a bit of experimenting to get the number of engines right. If you are interested go to the Lone Wolf Activites forum at

    If you are trying on the MP that came with MSTS, get MPV3.1 at The grades in the default MP are all wrong, among other things MS got wrong. You must leave the default routes in the routes folder to use most of free routes at

    Another thing - the physics in the eng and wag files are the pits. MSTS again reallly missed things. A file called physics 4.5 at have revised physics that get thing closer to real that the junk physics out of the box.

    Sounds on all but the lead unit - Unless there is a AI engine file, you will not hear the othere engines run up when accelerating. I have created AI files for quite a few engines using either one of Maple Leaf Tracks AI engine files as a basis or using one of Dekosofts AI engine files from Chip's new UP pack. The trigger for using an SMS file for AI engine requires you to change the scalability value in the sms file.

    While it is nice for Kalmback to provide a forum here, you would get more information at,, or forums. The people at these sites have been tearing apart the sim since it first came out and have changed things so this sim is a completely different critter that MS put out.
    Kevin Arceneaux Mining Engineer, Penn State 1979
  • Yes, it does recognize other engines in the consist. I have created quite a few activites for Sandpatch, Cajon and Tehacapi Pass. These are all a steeper grades that MP. I have done quite a bit of experimenting to get the number of engines right. If you are interested go to the Lone Wolf Activites forum at

    If you are trying on the MP that came with MSTS, get MPV3.1 at The grades in the default MP are all wrong, among other things MS got wrong. You must leave the default routes in the routes folder to use most of free routes at

    Another thing - the physics in the eng and wag files are the pits. MSTS again reallly missed things. A file called physics 4.5 at have revised physics that get thing closer to real that the junk physics out of the box.

    Sounds on all but the lead unit - Unless there is a AI engine file, you will not hear the othere engines run up when accelerating. I have created AI files for quite a few engines using either one of Maple Leaf Tracks AI engine files as a basis or using one of Dekosofts AI engine files from Chip's new UP pack. The trigger for using an SMS file for AI engine requires you to change the scalability value in the sms file.

    While it is nice for Kalmback to provide a forum here, you would get more information at,, or forums. The people at these sites have been tearing apart the sim since it first came out and have changed things so this sim is a completely different critter that MS put out.
    Kevin Arceneaux Mining Engineer, Penn State 1979