Train Simulator 2

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Train Simulator 2

  • Was that "fatter" or "faster"?
    I assume it was faster. You probably won't go 125mph by staying below the limit, but some trains could be really fast.
  • My latest trip to Electronics Boutique has a tentative date of January 17th.......we'll see.
  • I hope you can drive different steam locomotives. The scotsman and the golsdorf tend to get boring.
  • Well, if they have Horshoe curve, you'll probably get to run K4 s or TI s.
  • I would like to see the Coast Route and Hopefully one of these days they will do the Powder River Basin
  • the PRB should be released in the 1st Quarter of 2004 -
    Kevin Arceneaux Mining Engineer, Penn State 1979
  • Just saw the screenshots. Its a thing of art!
  • The AEM7 is from NALW, and avalible at:!
    You need to login, though! It's "MSTS NEC Pack #1" ,or!Sorry for the long name!

    From, Arondak