other possible lines

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other possible lines

  • I would like to see CSX,NS,BNSF routes thru Alabama. Or a modern day Sandpatch.
    I am actualy working on downloading and buying CSX stuff to do that.
  • I forgot to mention that a 1970's SP lucin cutoff and surrounding area's route would be cool.
  • The Montgomery-Mobile sub is available, though it needs the sig files tweaked. I am slowly learning how to do that and I will release the files on of these days.
    Kevin Arceneaux Mining Engineer, Penn State 1979
  • what site can I get the MM Sub at?
  • http://www.train-sim.com
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by Hiawatha

    I would also like to operate some short lines. Logging lines, like the Camas Prarie Railroad, and perhaps the Mt. Hood railroad, or the Port of Tillimook Bay Railroad. Incredibly scenic and long short lines with loads of possibilities. Maybe Montana Rail Link could be a good one, or the INP line up in eastern oregon. I think short line railroads would be a great addition.

    Take a look at the free Ohio Rails add-on. It is big (10 parts) but worth it. It has 2 competing lines which take it different routes between 2 shared yards. Has some logging on one route. There is even a barge you can operate. There are steam and diesel era options (with the auto traffic era appropriate!). The tutuorials teach you the whole line. There are quite a few activities (like 40+). F units, RS1's, some U-boats, even some GP-38s.
    Dewey "Facts are meaningless; you can use facts to prove anything that is even remotely true! Facts, schmacks!" - Homer Simpson "The problem is there are so many stupid people and nothing eats them."
  • I'd settle for the Milwaukee Road from the Twin Cities to South Dakota for some branch line action across Minnesota. And, because we can, add in a Hiawatha or two behind those streamlined steamers pushing over 100MPH and you've got it made.
  • I would really like the CP/SOO line down here in Wisconsin/mineesota.