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  • So what is it that the company is selling exactly? Is it just engine packs? I am still confused about the premium line and train lines. Am I getting actual routes? Not to offend anyone but the lack of information on their site has left me quite frustrated. But I downloaded the free CP GP-38 and it was the most beautifull engine on my game. Kudos to their graphics dept.
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  • QUOTE: Originally posted by Hiawatha

    So what is it that the company is selling exactly? Is it just engine packs? I am still confused about the premium line and train lines. Am I getting actual routes? Not to offend anyone but the lack of information on their site has left me quite frustrated. But I downloaded the free CP GP-38 and it was the most beautifull engine on my game. Kudos to their graphics dept.

    Streamlines is a split off from the original Maple Leaf Tracks (the principals apparently had a difference of opinion and parted company). Streamlines has done a number of engine packs and have just released their first route, the Seligman subdivision on Santa Fe. I have it and it is, in a word, phenomenal. Another route in the works is CN's Truro subdivision in the Canadian mmaritimes.

    Go to their web site and poke around the forums. It will give you a good idea of where Streamlines is headed.
  • glad there services are good
    somehow i messed up with my TRS registration, and now i cant access their download station[:(!][V][:(]
    Yoshi "Grammar? Whom Cares?"
  • They are making routes, go look at the site's forums.

    Check out my pics! [url=""]
  • Stream Lines makes locomotive packs. Just engines.

    The Premium Lines also contain activities which can be used in other routes, some of which are available from other sources (i.e. other companies). They focus on one railroad, in one region, with equipment seen in that region. It is frustrating because they don't tell you which routes the activities are for.

    The Train Line series is just locomotives. No activities. They can be one railroad or one type of locomotive.

    You can always try contacting them directly for a better answer.
    Dewey "Facts are meaningless; you can use facts to prove anything that is even remotely true! Facts, schmacks!" - Homer Simpson "The problem is there are so many stupid people and nothing eats them."