is microsoft train simulator avalable yet.

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is microsoft train simulator avalable yet.

  • What's TAT's and MSTS??
  • TATS is from Trainartisan. Haven't heard spit on it in a long time.

    TMTS is from the folks who brought you Raildriver. They bought the Trainmaster program and are redoing it from the ground up. It will blow your socks off. They are also working to make everything but activities backward compatible.
    Kevin Arceneaux Mining Engineer, Penn State 1979
  • The one thing I would like to see in a train sim is the behavior of steam to reflect the current state of the locomotive.

    For example if I am driving the NYC 4-6-4 Hudson with a passenger train on the NE corridor and I throttle back for a station stop the sounds should change to reflect that instead of chugging along on the one sound file assigned to the train speed.

    That is a mark of a true sim.
  • I have also made a few activities for MSTS which I think is more fun than the actual sim. However, while MSTS is much better than anything previosly available, it still has a lot of room for improvement.