MSTS-2 Canceled

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MSTS-2 Canceled

  • What are your thoughts on the cancelation of Train Simulator 2? I was really looking foreward to driving a pensy over horeshoe curve, but now..... Oh well I guess.
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  • The TA and Raildriver Sims will be better at least
  • That is so stupid that they cancelled it. But why did they?
  • On the why of it, use this forum thread . It will go into all the details, MSTS is now part of a larger program, one which will give more attention than Microsoft wished to give. They are too busy with flight simulator. Enjoy your Virtual E-Quinology. acj
  • There is a Pennsy freeware add-on available that has horseshoe curve as part of the route. It is a 10-12 part download. I can't remeber the site (I have it at home).
    Dewey "Facts are meaningless; you can use facts to prove anything that is even remotely true! Facts, schmacks!" - Homer Simpson "The problem is there are so many stupid people and nothing eats them."
  • How did you find out they were planning on making an MSTS 2?[?]
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by joantvw

    How did you find out they were planning on making an MSTS 2?[?]

    This has been big news for a while, I'm suprised you never knew it was supposed to come out
  • Sorry. First time on the forums.
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by joantvw

    Sorry. First time on the forums.

    No problem
  • So anyway, are there any chances of Microsoft retrying an MSTS-2?
  • Well I've heard that MS might be having a whole new version of MSTS (MSTS3) which may happen in the near (5 year) future but this version (MSTS2) is history.
  • Do you think it's going to be worth it.....................IF THEY ACTUALLY DO IT!!!!!???
  • It should be with Train Master Trainsim, TA Train Sim, and a new version of Trainz coming out.
  • I've heard of trains but what are Train Master Sim And TA Train Sim, and are they good?
  • They aren't out yet so I have no idea