default MSTS route

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default MSTS route

  • I just recently downloaded the msts "neighborhood route. The readme on it says that it needs the  "default MSTS route".  Does anybody know where the "default msts route"?
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  • The default routes are the original Marias Pass, Northeast Corridor, the two Japanese, the Europeans that come with MSTS.  The reason the new route needs them (a bunch do) is that the installer exe will pull a lot of terrain shapes and items from them.  It saves a lot of space to not have to include things in the downloads that everyone should already have.  One note in that if you are using Train Store you DO NOT need to have the original routes active when you install a new route.  They are not affected when you store the routes (when you have a bunch of routes it starts to really slow down the initial launch of the program). 
    Dewey "Facts are meaningless; you can use facts to prove anything that is even remotely true! Facts, schmacks!" - Homer Simpson "The problem is there are so many stupid people and nothing eats them."
  • The so called "default" route is the one that comes with the CD's...
    J Trane