Crazy things you've done

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Crazy things you've done

  • I like to run at full throttle down the same route. Never mke it though.(I wonder why?)

    But when a Big boy derails, it looks so, so weird. ever seen smoke go through the cab?

    But I ran a train on a added track on Marias pass(glacier park) off into the gorge.

    I have learned you cannot oout run a chem train downhill even at full throttle in a Dash 9 2of em'

    -Michael It's baaaacccckkkk!!!!!!
  • On the Innsbruck and St. Anton line, you know those two switches one right after the other about 2 miles or so down the line from St. Anton next to a fence?  I've tried getting my train up to speed and then uncoupling from it, going over the switches, and then having it pass me on the other track.  Never works.