Video Games

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Video Games

  • Since this is basically a teen forum. What do you have for a video game system?

    I have PS3.

    Alex Czajkowski
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  • Till 2 months agon I had a GBA SP but I put it on E-Bay.

    Guess what I bought?



    Athearn SW1500 and Circuitron FL-3. 

    Go NJT, NJ Transit, New Jersey Transit. Whatever you call it its good. See my pictures and videos here:
  • I've always been a railfan and a Nintendo fanboy. List of consoles:
    Gameboy Pocket
    *Gameboy Color
    *Gameboy Advance
    *Nintendo DS

    *still own and still works
    Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
  • I have a PS1 and all I play onit is Nuclear Strike, and I love blowin' stuff up.
    But the favorite is MSTS, TRainz RS, TRD, another MSTS, MSTS2.......
    -Michael It's baaaacccckkkk!!!!!!
  • I have 2 PS2s (one's from Korea, but works in the US with an adapter) and a 360, on a 60" widescreen.

    My favorite games are Ace Combat, Medal of honor, Call of duty, and a few other ones.


    Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....

    2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.

  •  Mr_Ash wrote:

     RR Redneck wrote:
    Mine is a Mossberg .243 Win. I use game discs to sight in my hunting guns.

     Thats what AOL CD's are for Big Smile [:D]

    Oh no I HATE video games. I blame them for the downfall of our hobby.

    Lionel collector, stuck in an N scaler's modelling space.

  •  RR Redneck wrote:
    Mine is a Mossberg .243 Win. I use game discs to sight in my hunting guns.

     Thats what AOL CD's are for Big Smile [:D]

  • SNES

    and PC, of course Tongue [:P]

    Your friendly neighborhood CNW fan.

  • Well I got a computer and the outdoors.


    Modeling NS One Locomotive At a Time

  • Mine is a Mossberg .243 Win. I use game discs to sight in my hunting guns.

    Lionel collector, stuck in an N scaler's modelling space.

  • I have a Xbox, PS2, Gamecube, Gameboy Color, Game Boy Advance, DS, and a Micro.


  • Since I play alot, might as well post.

    I have an old GBA advance (broken), Nintendo DS, Nintendo Gamecube, PS2 at my dad's house, and the PC. Some of my favorite games are Sonic Adventure DX, Super Mario 64 DS, and Simpsons Hit and Run for the PC. I was trying to find Sonic Adventure 2: Battle but to no avail. Everytime I went to the video game section, there was only one small shelf for Gamecube games. This probably means the Gamecube breed is dying. Sad news, might have to get a Wii.

    Any one have any idea as to where I can find SA2B in Vancouver?

  • Geez I thought we were lucky to get Intellivision for Christmas one year.  But I do own a PS2 so I can watch DVDs in the bedroom and maybe play a couple games.
  • Xbox and PC- Battlefield 1942, #2, and 2142.  Burnout, Call of Duty, Medal of Honor (cant wait for Airborne) and occasional madden(go Giants!).   360 purchase in the works.
  • Can we see some pictures of your caboose?
    Alex Czajkowski