Insturctions for posting pic on the forum

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Insturctions for posting pic on the forum

  • Jack
  • For instructions on post photos, click here

    Photo Posting

    I am a person with a very active inner child. This is why my wife loves me so. Willoughby, Ohio - the home of the CP & E RR. OTTS Founder 

  • Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]

    I am a person with a very active inner child. This is why my wife loves me so. Willoughby, Ohio - the home of the CP & E RR. OTTS Founder 

  • I'm on a Mac, and am having a devil of a time posting photos. (I'm not new to posting photos on this forum, but the new forum code is royally screwing with what I type in. See the following:

    <a href="" target="_blank" title=""></a>

    Great, I can't even post links!!! AARRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!! That was typed as [ url][ /url] without the spaces.

    I'm more than just a bit frustrated at this. I've tried two different Macs, on Safari and IE on both of them with identical results. Posting from the PC works just dandy.

    Any thoughts? I'm sending a note to the IT guys at Kalmbach, too, to see what their thoughts are.

