Conrail SD80MAC's

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Conrail SD80MAC's

  • I've often seen these Beasts now but before the merger they came all the time. any ideas what division they're runing on?[?]
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  • Over the past three months or so, I have seen several of them in the NS yard at Conway, PA multiple times. A couple times I've even seen them come past the house here, about 10 miles west of Conway.

  • N.S'S 80MACS are indeed used primarily on mine runs between Altoona and New Florence as well as for locals between these points...You will see them many times parked in the South Fork Pa yards and also in Cresson at the engine servicing facility when they need refueling.....Dave
    David J. Williams
  • Earlier last April I saw some SD80MACs in Cresson and on the South Fork Secondary at the location of the dam that caused the famous Johnstown flood of 1889.
  • the ones that CSX got are all over the place, but since they are AC power they sometimes end up in the coal fields of south western PA, WV , and some of the other soutthern states that have high tonnage and steper then river grade territory... but CSX has no real logic when it comes to what they put on thier trains anymore.... at least thats what i think... but then just a lowly engineer...i dont see the big picture...
    csx engineer
    "I AM the higher source" Keep the wheels on steel
  • Norfolk Southern allegedly wasn't fond of the SD80MACs and assigned them to the South Fork coal branches near Johnstown ,Pa. ,the mine branch to Eighty Four, Pa., and the coal trains to the Shelocta Generating Plant north of Saltsburg, Pa. As far as I know, they are still in service on these branches.
  • I have seen one or two on the Northwest Georgia NS tracks also....
  • I think they first had them running between Conway and Altoona and then afterwards on the Boston line.
  • I used to see them on coal drags on the old MGA line in SW PA. I think they're now up New England, but I don't know what division.
  • We usually didn't see them up north after the merger in the winter to much, they usually went down south to give some of the southern crews air conditioning, they start filtering up north after the movement desk starts getting crew complaints when it warms up again in the north.