I need Help

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I need Help

  • Hi all I hope u best wiches
    here is the problem in details: It is about My BSC project
    my project is handling a 2 problems

    1: road crossing
    2: cross station

    about the 1st problem i'm working on it like that
    There is IR 'InfraRed' sensors in the way side of the train open line in some far away safty distance in the both sides left hand side 'East side' and Right hand side 'west side' , and there is a diagonal cross IR sensor .
    when one of the IR sensors in any of the way side detect a train it interrupts the microcontroller(M.C) then the M.C opens the acoustic alarm and flashs the red optic semafor then closes the car side road .
    now the component i need is my problem
    - Vilocity controled train (vehicle motor).
    - The baise track
    but i don't know where to by them i don't want to use an economic train game to do the model .
    so what can i do .[?]
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  • For the person needing help. Check out a lot of your local hobby shops, they deal in almost everything. Find one that is specifically designed for railroads. The trains of old against the trains of today, maybe someone may have an answer for you. In my neck of the woods, there are at least 2 or 3 places I can think of checking. Go through your Yellow Pages for the hobby shop nearest you and call them, before going in. Why drive, walk, or take a bus or cab? Let your fingers do the walking!
    Ralph Zimmer Alsip, Il