Are 3 & 5 y old ready for big trains

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Are 3 & 5 y old ready for big trains

  • This is my first post ever about trains.
    I have a 5, 3 and 2 year old boys who are in love with their Thomas wooden railroad trains and tracks that I get them. I would like to transition to the larger trains but keep reading that they are for 8+ year old because of the electrical hazzard yet I see forum members having children as young as 2 year old playing with "adult" trains. Are there kid safe DC powered trains versus dangerous AC only trains? I like to get them started with a set that goes around the christmas tree that is not battery powered but safe and can be expanded later. Any directions would be appreciated. (and yes, I am reading what is on the forums and web site to familiarize myself with the jargon and different setups. I don't want to make newbie mistakes)
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  • Dont forget to consider LGB's TOYTRAIN stuff, its really good and durable for kids.

    Also Marshall's discount stores nationwide are currently selling the stuff at over 50% off. Might be a good time to pick up a set for X-mas.

       Have fun with your trains

  • Thanks for the response. What kit did you end buying?
  • Hi. I am also stting up a train set for my 3 year old son.

    I am fortunate enough that i live 5 miles from a great model train store.
    (the train barn)

    the employes there were great help with getting me started, and knowing it was for my son they recomended using "O" scale for his smaller hands.

    now mind you my son dosn't run it alone, but the remote that came with my railking set makes it a fun hobbie for us bolth.

    I would not hesitate to recomend an electric set for your family, as long as your there to assist the boys with it and they understand that thier not to use it without supervision.