New photography equipment?

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New photography equipment?

  • I've been filming with 8mm Sony and throwaway cameras. I would like a tripod for my Sony and a 'real' 35mm camera. I'm looking at Cannon products- any suggestions? I don't care for digital.
  • Even though my older Nikon manual focus gear works just fine, I'm waiting for the new D70 digital body this Spring, along with some new and fast lenses. Don't get me wrong, I won't part with my FM2n, I just want to take another step up in the digital world.
  • Layed out my savings for a Nikon body and macro lens... something like $700, but professional quality. That was '82(?). Have since taken it through Europe, South America jungle, frozen tundra of Wisconsin - NO problems and rarely a bad exposure or blurry image.

    Best thing for digital - immediacy. Can screen out bad shots and once on my computer - adjust contrast, color balance, sharpen, print without dropping / waiting a week for my slides to come back. Love my slide archive; but add up cost of developing, prints for shots I want to show people and it gets to be expensive. Digital has a lot of appeal. Mike Y is one lucky dude (assuming he downsized samples...)
    Got my own basement now; benchwork done but no trains, yet.
  • Photography is my hobby and trains are one of my favorite subjects. Like Mike, [:)] I was lucky enough to find a Digital Rebel [wow] in my Christmas stocking and have been lucky enough to already get some great pictures.
  • I have been considering. However, my son got a point and shoot
    camera and was concerned with scanning when the screen became
    blurred. Also, my readings indicate up to a one second lag after pushing
    the shutter which would not help when shooting a locomotive
    at 60 Mph.

    HELP! I am interested but confused at this time.
  • I have a Canon K-2 35mm, great camera, great pics......For railroad pics the auto focus is outstanding.
  • I'm all set . Nikon F100, N70 28-105 and 75-240D's. Olympus OM1n and OM-PC with 28, 50, 135, 200 and 2x. Digital by Sony Carl Zeiss and Video by Sony.

    Time that's the problem.


  • How about a new poll????????
  • Hey there model train fans, would you like to see the model railroader site post links for movies and web cam? If so write back to me at
  • Yes, already have a new Canon 300d DSLR on order with 2 lenses. I am hoping a DSLR with good Canon lenses (not pro "L" series yet) is up to the results of my late, defunct Minolta 7000i. I have already seen some results from brief test and I like the color - very natural. What is still uncertain is how close to SLR slides can I get with the 300D. I hope I'm not disappointed.
  • I'm all set with my equipment. I received a digital camera for Christmas and have had the pleasure of using it twice on trains. The results have been very good. It is so much different to shot and then look and develope them if you want. Being able to erase the frames that you don't want is really neat. The results have been super.
  • I need the loading dock for my ditigal camera>
  • I am all set with my new digital camera that I got at Christmas. I have had the pleasure of being able to shoot trains twice during January and have been surprised by the good photos. I also have a video camera that I have used numerous times. So I am ready for more trains this year.
  • i thought world war 3 was going to start when i purchased my new digital camera whish cost 600 dollars
  • I was given a camera for my birthday (can't open it till my birthday in around 3 weeks). It has a 270mm lens.