Favorate scale

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Favorate scale

  • My favorite is HO. There's a lot of variety and its not too big, not too small. Just perfect I guess. However, my dream layout will be in N.
  • HO is better for realistic rolling stock. N and Z are better for depth of scenery. Also, I have less difficulty climbing in the cab of HO scale locomotives.
  • I use HO. At the risk of jumping on a bandwagon, it does have the greatest selection, and the prices seem to be the best in proportion to size. It also seems to just look right.

    The amount of layout that N-scalers can pack into a room sure makes me envious, but the sheer smallness of parts and track would probably be too much for my fingers and eyes.

    I've seen some really great O-scale layouts but it wouldn't be possible to build a credible layout with my space available and budget.

    G-scale looks like a lot of fun, but cost would be a problem, plus some of the equipment looks a bit toylike for my tastes.

    S-scale is supposed to be a good compromise between scales, but there doesn't seem to be stores in the area that sell much of it and I've never been big on mail-order or Internet shopping.

  • My favorite scale is 12''=1 foot scale[;)]!
    Ride Amtrak. Cats Rule, Dogs Drool.
  • N or G

    N - Great to collect (inexpensive), fantastically large amount of railroad in a small space

    G - Large and immpressive, live steam, can leave track outside, realistic

  • O scale is my favorite. I like the size because it is big enough that the engines look realistic and you can still fit a small layout in a 4x8 space.
    Yes we call it the Dinky. Why? Well cause it's dinky! Proud to be the official train geek of Princeton University!
  • HO is my only Scale.
  • 1:1 2' gauge. My favorite because I get to drive.

    And then there's 1.5" scale, 7 1/2" gauge.

    And if I want to play with little tiny trains. There's always G scale.
  • My favourite scale is N scale because it takes up so little space.