Who prevails? Canadian version.

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Who prevails? Canadian version.

  • QUOTE: Originally posted by CSSHEGEWISCH

    As an outsider looking in (I'm not Canadian), CP will always have the stronger image of Canada. As the World's Greatest Travel System, it carried the Maple Leaf to the rest of the world.
    One of the land-grant subsidies that CP did receive led to one of Canada's longest running political debates. In return for land grants to fund and build the Crows Nest Pass line, CP accepted restrictions on grain rates that were later applied to other carriers and most Canadians are familiar with the rest of the story.
  • We have the best comics and the best railways! As a former employee of CP, I know that CN has done a lot to keep CP "honest", but CP was indeed the first to bring the country together - Ironically thanks to a yank - William Cornelious Van Horne who once said: "Sleep? Who needs sleep? That's one h-ll of a way to run a railroad spending 1/3 of your time in the roundhouse."

    Let's face it, greatness had no borders.
  • CN hands down, cp is just so....boring... I went to bala once and saw one train, and it wasnt even mooving, it sat there 4 hours waiting for a crew change.i got fed up and left. When i go to washago, i usually see 6 or 7 trains, CN is better.
  • CP/Golden Beaver all the way.

    CP seems to be way more involved Canada wise, unlike CN that seems to be more about business and the bottom line, no exceptions.
  • Has to be CPR -- The" Canadian" was the train I travelled on to see Canada -- much more impressive than the Super Continental. -- Besides I worked for CP so I'm predudiced !!
    2860 Restoration Crew
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by heavyd

    All Canadian railfans should know what CP does at 11 am on Nov 11!!! What does CN do? Besides I read today that CN is trying to negotiate the contract with running trades to make the same crew work farther, therefore eliminating what they claim 35% of would-be excess conductors and engineers!!!

    Please give us USA fans a clue. CP was the first transcontinental Canadian railroad, and they have that cool beaver logo.
    Ride Amtrak. Cats Rule, Dogs Drool.