Railroad images

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Railroad images

  • u

  • I usually take my trusty digital camera with me when my wife and I go for a Sunday ride, never know what you are going to find. My wife knows now that If there is a train around we HAVE to go see it or a yard or a tourest RR.

  • I took the family camera with me this last June when the CPR's 4-6-4 Hudson stopped at a town near me. I put the kids up on the pilot and shot a million pictures. Later on I found out there was no film in the camera!! Argghhh!!

    Hillsburgh Ontario
  • At present I don't have a camera to use for railfanning but I plan to get one. I live about half a mile from CSX's Fremont spur in MI. We get trains once a day five days a week.
  • During the BN merger around 1970, I lived and went to school next to C.B.&Q.s former Hannibal & St.Joe main. Watched the parade of Burlington and GN power and was hooked for life! When BN absorbed Frisco in the early '80s, I was ready with camera in hand. Recorded the last trains through in 1993 after flood-induced abandonment . These days I won't go anywhere without my 35mm but its nice to have a digital and videocam too when possible. What I'm getting at is this: Change comes awfully fast as you get older- take a few pictures anytime you can.
  • I usually have a hard time deciding if I want to just watch trains or take pictures. So, I take along both a camera and a video and try to do all three. That way I'm prepared for anything that is unusual that comes by.
  • Digital cameras have changed my time from watching to taking photos. I love to capture the old history before its gone forever.
  • The digital stills show detail when blown up that prints don't or that I didn't notice at the time. Rather just watch the trains, got to have the trains and scenery.

    The Rochelle is closeup, but I like my pictures at Ft. Madison better.

  • I usually just watch,but when I'm on vacation, I take slides.
    Ride Amtrak. Cats Rule, Dogs Drool.
  • I sometimes take phots but usually just stand back and enjoy the ride
  • The video I've had "in the making" for 8 years now is destined to remain in the making. I'm sure everyone would love it. It's too bad I'm lazy. But I've discovered the joys of hill climbing in Western Montana to get great still photos & video. MRL = "Milwaukee Road Lives"
  • Being a photographer I must take pictures (Its additive) although I've been trapped
    by moving trains a couple of times.
  • Believe me, Southern California's Tehachapi loop, San bernidino's several
    railyards, & Los Angles's heavy rail traffic makes some great railfanning spots.
  • I do both.