HORNS -- Way Kewl, Cool, and Far Out

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HORNS -- Way Kewl, Cool, and Far Out

  • Here is a website for train horns. I must give credit to John (Railpac) for finding it and letting me know about it. You can both see and hear these horns. He even played some of them over the phone for me one day. Who would have ever dream of listening to a train horn over the phone? lol But we did. I hope everyone enjoys it. Mookie, play it at work. lol


    [:D] [:)] [:p] [}:)] [B)] [:0] [xx(] [;)] [:I] [:o)] [8)] [8D] [:D] [:)] [:p] [:D] [;)]
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  • [:p] [}:)] [:p] [}:)] [:p]

    L M A O

    [:D] [:D] [:D] [:D] [:D]
  • Yes, and I put the clearest horn sounds from that website onto a CD. So now I don't have to be on the internet to bug the crap out of my mom, by playing train horns over and over. [}:)][:)][}:)][:D][}:)][8D]
  • It would be interesting to listen to it over the phone. Was it loud?
    I'll check out the web. It would be cool to have the web page where you can listen to all train horns.