Opinions Needed: Railfans employed by railroads

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Opinions Needed: Railfans employed by railroads

  • Railroading is a job not a hobby!! Railfanning(foaming) is a hobby!! 2 different things? I enjoy both and would not do anything else!!! U.P. CONDUCTOR
  • Im a self employed electrician, and i look at all the jobs that are posted by Union Pacific, CSX, BNSF, and tried to look at Norfolk Southern but its not as easy. I love my job and my hobby. When I look at all the requirments for the amount of pay cut I would have to take it just is not worth it. I also thought about trying to become a loco engineer, I was even thinking about engeneer school, but again I think I would have to give up to much in freedom and pay to get in the operators seat. Just my opinion. Joe