Rare mileage excursion in Tennessee

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Rare mileage excursion in Tennessee

  • Ride over Tennessee's oldest branchline (Nashville & Chattanooga RR's Shelbyville branch 1852) on Saturday and Sunday October 4 & 5 from Wartrace, Tennessee. Three trips on Saturday and two on Sunday. Tickets are $7.50 for adults and $3.50 for children available at trackside. Motive power will be a 1947 NW-2 (ex-Southern) or EMD FP-9 (ex-Milwaukee Road) in NC&StL passenger colors. Other rail attractions include the travelling L&N Historical Exhibit and an L&N caboose museum. Wartrace is at milepost 56 on the CSX Nashville-Chattanooga mainline with 20 to 25 trains per day through the downtown square. Call (931) 389-6144 for information.
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  • Ride over Tennessee's oldest branchline (Nashville & Chattanooga RR's Shelbyville branch 1852) on Saturday and Sunday October 4 & 5 from Wartrace, Tennessee. Three trips on Saturday and two on Sunday. Tickets are $7.50 for adults and $3.50 for children available at trackside. Motive power will be a 1947 NW-2 (ex-Southern) or EMD FP-9 (ex-Milwaukee Road) in NC&StL passenger colors. Other rail attractions include the travelling L&N Historical Exhibit and an L&N caboose museum. Wartrace is at milepost 56 on the CSX Nashville-Chattanooga mainline with 20 to 25 trains per day through the downtown square. Call (931) 389-6144 for information.