Historical society membership

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Historical society membership

  • Yes - UPHS since 1985. They have also a fine magazine.
  • I belong to the Gulf Coast NRHS and theKATY RAILROAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY.
  • I belong to the Gulf Coast NRHS and theKATY RAILROAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY.
  • ....Southwest Railroad Historical Society (SRHS), they run the Age Of Steam in Dallas Tx. Home to the 4018 Big Boy. Come on down and see it. Had to drop out when money got tight, but will definatly join again!
  • ....Southwest Railroad Historical Society (SRHS), they run the Age Of Steam in Dallas Tx. Home to the 4018 Big Boy. Come on down and see it. Had to drop out when money got tight, but will definatly join again!
  • I've belonged to the Bridge Line Historical Society (devoted to the Delaware & Hudson) ever since I learned about it, in 1992, I think. I've been writing regularly for its monthly Bulletin for years, typically a column on modeling and one on real railroading each issue, plus comments on media coverage of the D&H or by BLHS members.
  • I've belonged to the Bridge Line Historical Society (devoted to the Delaware & Hudson) ever since I learned about it, in 1992, I think. I've been writing regularly for its monthly Bulletin for years, typically a column on modeling and one on real railroading each issue, plus comments on media coverage of the D&H or by BLHS members.
  • I model the Milwaukee Road and Chicago Northwestern. I belong to one historical society and a friend belongs to the other (his grandfather was a depot agent). We swap the quarterly magazines. Works for us.
  • I model the Milwaukee Road and Chicago Northwestern. I belong to one historical society and a friend belongs to the other (his grandfather was a depot agent). We swap the quarterly magazines. Works for us.
  • I live in Michigan and belong to the organization Michigan State Trust for the Railroad Preservation( M.S.T.R.P.) also known informally as the " The Friends of the 1225". This group has restored and operate an old Pere Marquette steam engine at their shops in Owosso, MI. They are also in the process of rebuilding an old roundhouse they had moved to their site. Their web sight is : www.mstrp.com.
  • I live in Michigan and belong to the organization Michigan State Trust for the Railroad Preservation( M.S.T.R.P.) also known informally as the " The Friends of the 1225". This group has restored and operate an old Pere Marquette steam engine at their shops in Owosso, MI. They are also in the process of rebuilding an old roundhouse they had moved to their site. Their web sight is : www.mstrp.com.
  • I would join one if we had one here or near
  • I would join one if we had one here or near
  • Am charter member of the CNWHS. Having spent most of my life away from the CNW region, it has allowed me to keep in touch with what went on with the railroad. Just wish it had bought the UP instead! [:D]
  • Am charter member of the CNWHS. Having spent most of my life away from the CNW region, it has allowed me to keep in touch with what went on with the railroad. Just wish it had bought the UP instead! [:D]