Trains crews having fun

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Trains crews having fun

  •  Yes LC I hear that from other rails ( someone said they heard me mumbling it too but I dont remember I was in my happy place)

     We spray water at each other as we pass by,answer when other crews call for a cab ( they hate that!!)Impersonate people on the radio you know all teh stuff that keeps you up on thrids.

    Yes we are on time but this is yesterdays train

  •  kolechovski wrote:
    I like the friendly honks.  An easy way to keep from going deaf around them is to have earmuffs.  I always have a pair in my car.  When I go railfanning, or happen to catch a train on the way, I simply whip them out of the box, stand near the crossing, and take all the pics/video I want without ever being affected by the noise.  Really, anybody who goes trackside would be best having ear protection available.  That way they can stand there laugh at the certain few crewmen who try to scare them with those blasts, as well as survive standing at crossings.

    my earplugs that i tried out are horrible. they hardly block out any sound at all. maybe it is muffs i need. crossings arent so bad because you know the horn is coming. but "friendly honks" are A, not friendly. and B, a waste of horn use. some crews...

    Your friendly neighborhood CNW fan.

  • <BLOCKQUOTE><table class="quoteOuterTable"><tr><td class="txt4"><img src="/trccs/Themes/default/images/icon-quote.gif">&nbsp;<strong>route_rock wrote:</strong></td></tr><tr><td class="quoteTable"><table width="100%"><tr><td width="100%" valign="top" class="txt4"><P> Yes LC I hear that from other rails ( someone said they heard me mumbling it too but I dont remember I was in my happy place)</P>
    <P> We spray water at each other as we pass by,answer when other crews call for a cab ( they hate that!!)Impersonate people on the radio you know all teh stuff that keeps you up on thrids.</P></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Isn't that illegal..!
  • Cute.

    Mechanical Department  "No no that's fine shove that 20 pound set all around the yard... those shoes aren't hell and a half to change..."

    The Missabe Road: Safety First


  • Yeah, I recommend earmuffs over earplugs.  They seem way more effective, can be quickly put in use, just as easily removed, and you don't have to worry about them falling out.  Just be sure to get a decent pair.  I'd recommend a decibel reduction of at least 20...the more, the better.  And make sure it isn't one of those cheaply built ones that have an extra bit of plastic on the headband that digs into your skull, unless you always wear a decent cap.  I found that out the hard way after buying a $5 pair.