NS train, Conductor flipping the bird??

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NS train, Conductor flipping the bird??

  • Check this out, my freind and I took this shot today in Romulus, MI.

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  •  pmsteamman wrote:
    Did you catch a moon from CSX crews?

    KCS crews have gotten them from me. It was an engineer that did the same to me. So when he passed back through a week later, I went further down the line and boom, full moon at 12 noon.

    Lionel collector, stuck in an N scaler's modelling space.

  • You guys are all wrong, he is waving but at the moment of the picture his hand is slightly turned sidways so that you see the lower part of the pinky but the rest of the hand and fingures are in a row.

    --Zak Gardner

    My Layout Blog:  http://mrl369dude.blogspot.com




  • He's probably sending it to the railroad police...

    Remember: In South Carolina, North is southeast of Due West... HIOAg /Bill

  • Well UP loves their Railfans!  Here's a picture I took where a Conductor is taking a picture of me taking a picture of him.  He's using his camera phone.

    --Zak Gardner

    My Layout Blog:  http://mrl369dude.blogspot.com




  • I agree with Antonio.

    I just had a really close look at the pic on my computer & it is indeed the upper railing directly behind his hand.


    Brought to you by the letters C.P.R. as well as D&H!

     K1a - all the way

  • You right he is not giving the bird at all and the railing is totally in the way of the 4th finger.
  • Uh, guys,

    I downloaded the picture onto my computer and Zoomed in on the photo.  

    He's not flipping a bird.  His thumb and all 4 of his fingers are up.  As nutty as it sounds the railing is actually directly behind the middle and 4th fingers.  The man is waving.......not giving a one finger salute.

    I've met a lot of railroaders in the past 2 decades.  A few even had the rough "Fred Flintstone" personalities, but these guys took pride in their jobs--even during labor disputes--and unless you were a "punk" holding a bottle or rocks to throw at them; these railroad professionals usually gave either a wave, or head nod to shutterbug railfans. 

    A one finger "bird" salute to a photgrapher would not make any sense; especially since the locomotive's numbers are clearly visible and all a photographer would have to do is send the photo to the local paper or even the railroad officials. From my understanding railroad brass have low tolerance for this kind of stuff from railroaders on duty in the public eye.  Union Stewards get aggravated at having to defend union members in hearings that are charged with doing "idiotic stuff" like flipping off the public. 

    While I'm sure it does happen, it doesn't seem to be the case here.   Again, if you have a quality photo viewer and can zoom-in download this photo and look carefully.


    "I like my Pullman Standards & Budds in Stainless Steel flavors, thank you!"


  • Hell, if im having a bad day, ill flip off railfans just to ruin their picture=)

    Mechanical Department  "No no that's fine shove that 20 pound set all around the yard... those shoes aren't hell and a half to change..."

    The Missabe Road: Safety First


  • Looked at it again.  He's still saying you're Number 1.


    Take a Ride on the Reading with the: Reading Company Technical & Historical Society http://www.readingrailroad.org/

  • sorry if i sounded mean or anyhting but i just hate it when ppl just to conclusions
    sorry guys

  • These days, you never can tell if an individual is kidding or lacking in intelligence. Not a stab at anyone, mind you.
  • By George,I think he's got it!
    Ride Amtrak. Cats Rule, Dogs Drool.
  • Well, time to once again quote Homer Simpson: D'OH!Black Eye [B)]

  •  nharrison21 wrote:
    it just shows how much ppl will actually look at the picture and analyse it before they start ranting about it. the guy is not being rude hes waving, the part that looks like a finger is the railing in the background, with some photoshop help you can see the color difference between hand and railing. Come on ppl use common sence here and get all the facts.


    Heh, oh, wait, you're kidding right?
