6,000 Horsepower (or for you metric folks 4,476 Kw) will return.

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6,000 Horsepower (or for you metric folks 4,476 Kw) will return.

  • The time will come again for the 6,000 horsepower locomotive how about SD90ACe, ES60AC ????
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  • I've also heard that the railroads prefer to have lower-horsepower locos in a consist because if one craps out, the train can still move.

     i.e. If a train with two 6000hp locos suffers a failure with one of the engines, the train will most likely be stalled (50% of the pulling power gone).  But if it has three 4400hp locos and one conks out, it can at least keep moving, albeit a lot slower (lost 33% of the pulling power).

  • upand csx are running the 6000 hp ge engines still.
  •  CSSHEGEWISCH wrote:
    Adhesion also seems to be a problem at this level, so 6000 HP may just be too big.
             The 1000HP/axle issue has been around before, when GE introduced the Dash 8 40B which had a reputation for being slippery. That problem has been solved with the performance of the P42s proving it. The real problems were in the power plants, which as I have noted before are going to be solved when some one finds the$ and the customer intrest to get the project off ground zero.
  • Adhesion also seems to be a problem at this level, so 6000 HP may just be too big.
    The daily commute is part of everyday life but I get two rides a day out of it. Paul
  • OK, I'll be very patient, since it won't happen for a while. The 6000 HP net engines currently running in GE AC6000s do not meet tier III emmissions standards. So, the builders need to develop a new power plant that can put out that level of power. IF they can find buyers for them, first.