Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 53: June 19, 2006

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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 53: June 19, 2006

  • Mike, you had a nice photo but it was not in the same league as Erik's picuture. Erik should have held his photo for a contest where you had a similarly spectacular pic. Erik. I thought your shot was wonderful because of the sunset colored sky, the glint off the rails and railcars and the dust cloud behind the overtaking train. Very well done!
  • Mike gets the nod this time. SD40-2 dragging rocks and sand.!! Brute force, I wish I could have heard it. There really is something magic about trains at dusk and at night, both gentlemen captured it for all of us to enjoy. Nice work again.
  • OK this is tough. That spectacular sky! But as you look at this photo you begin to wonder what is the subject. The signal? Headlights/ditchlights? The shadowed train? Or the sky. The sky dominates the photo and belittles the train stuff. Mike's is a good photo, a good train photo showing a railroad at work. Got my railfan vote!
  • Congratulations to both !!!!! You're FINALLY beginning to demonstrate how much MORE those Canon Digital Cameras are than your grandmother's Kodak Box Brownie.
    Who did I vote for? Two most excellent photos & I'll never tell !!!
  • That was one of the best pictures i have seen yet. IT is just majectic. Awsome job.
  • That was one of the best pictures i have seen yet. IT is just majectic. Awsome job.
  • Sorry, Mike, but Erik's got you beat again. Beside being a BNSF & UP fan, I also am a sunset fan, too. You had the right idea, Mike, but just the wrong railroad. Oh well, better luck next time.

    Rob Knight-I sure do love the smell of diesel fuel and sound of locomotive horns in the morning!:)
  • Mike: I had a question and posted it earlier but I didn't direct it to you so here goes again - your photo in Vol 53, the rails seem to be rather "rough", are they really that worn?
  • I voted for Erik's shot. It was just ummm....well.... flawless!