ALCO pics wanted

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ALCO pics wanted

  • QUOTE: Originally posted by jhhtrainsplanes

    Railpac, the Milwaukee Road RSc 2m or something like that is an interesting picture. Would you mind posting the link so others may enjoy it?

    I am still looking for other pics. Please feel free to send any you want. [;)]

    Why sure, this is a photo of a Milwaukee Road RSC2m #576, this RSC2 was rebuilt by ALCo with a 250 engine, that is a 244 with 251 power assemblies. During the rebuild its hp was down rated from 1500 to 1400, and was given a chop nose.[:)][:D][8D]
  • JIm my RSD-15 pics are coming soon.
  • JIm my RSD-15 pics are coming soon.
  • I have some RSD-12 Locomotive pictures that I can e-mail as soon as I get a chance if that`s ok.
  • I have some RSD-12 Locomotive pictures that I can e-mail as soon as I get a chance if that`s ok.
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by NathanDavid

    I have some RSD-12 Locomotive pictures that I can e-mail as soon as I get a chance if that`s ok.

    Send them whenever you can. Thanks.
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by NathanDavid

    I have some RSD-12 Locomotive pictures that I can e-mail as soon as I get a chance if that`s ok.

    Send them whenever you can. Thanks.
  • Jim send me a copy of NathanDavid's pics. I 'd love to see them.
  • Jim send me a copy of NathanDavid's pics. I 'd love to see them.
  • Hi Bryan, I can e-mail them to you, I will try to e-mail them some time next week when I`m not so busy.
  • Hi Bryan, I can e-mail them to you, I will try to e-mail them some time next week when I`m not so busy.

    Alton $ Southern Alco RS-2 #29.

    Or a similar RS-2 with the Alton & Southern colors (not yellow/blue).

    I have seen a black / white pic of the #29 in Steinbrenner's book "A Centennial Remembrance" but would like to see a color print of it. I have been to the Fallen Flags site but all they have are the yellow/blue colors on more recent engines. If you can help please email me a pic or post a link to a website that has this unit, it would be appreciated.


    Alton $ Southern Alco RS-2 #29.

    Or a similar RS-2 with the Alton & Southern colors (not yellow/blue).

    I have seen a black / white pic of the #29 in Steinbrenner's book "A Centennial Remembrance" but would like to see a color print of it. I have been to the Fallen Flags site but all they have are the yellow/blue colors on more recent engines. If you can help please email me a pic or post a link to a website that has this unit, it would be appreciated.