Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 51: May 8, 2006

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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 51: May 8, 2006

  • The latest installment of Trackside with Erik and Mike is now live within the Railroading section on the home page. Please read this week's column first then vote for your favorite photo below.
    Erik Bergstrom
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  • I like the open door in Erics photo. True, there isn't anyone standing there. But for a photo like that, the empty door, IMHO, for this shot, is better than the conductor standing there waving. As much as we try and get photos to caputre motion, or a change of place, or an even, they are only mere moments, probably around 1/125 of an instance in time. The empty open door indicates that something is about to happen; That the conductor will exit the cab to watch a grade crossing, or something of the like.

    I see the open door as a way to put movement and a little bit of anticipation or foreshadowing into a picture.
    Its a way of saying "gee, I wonder what will happen next" in a quick glance.
  • Erik's photo is all train, Mike's isn't (too much green landscape, I can go to Home Depot to look at plants), so Eric gets my vote. Love the open door, maybe to cool off or forgot to close the door after a pit stop? I agree with somebody who already commented that we need something other than CN. How 'bout the greatest of the all, Santa Fe!! Larry in Blaine WA (wet dark, end of the earth, at least we get lots of Santa Fe locos out here).
  • I voted for Erik's photo.

    While reading the article you guys mentioned that you get these shots on your own time, i.e. not work time. As an outsider/customer, I would actually expect you to be getting these shots as part of your work assignment. Writing this column appears to be work related (i.e. publishing train related articles), I would think you would get some set amount of time during the week to go out and get photos. Maybe being a paid professional railfan would be the ultimate job, can I apply?? ;)
  • Mike had a good angle...however, Erik's seems to be noticably clearer. Also, Erik caught a much more interesting locomotive. I went with Erik's.
  • Both good shots. I voted for Erik's -- despite the fact that long-lens front-quarter shots that make the loco look about 10' long are *way* overdone. Ultimately though, the light and colour are better, and the open door, and the trailing engine wearing WC(?) paint give it some interest.
  • Erik's because we feel to be there. Mike's is a bit remote. Like many others, the open door made me think a while. If not for that it would have been a far easier choice.

    Funny thing though, are we judging the photo or the subject?

  • I like mike's cause he caught the sun just right on the lead loco!! [:D]
  • Hey
    When there is an Flared Hood in the Gang, got to vote for it.
  • Sorry Mike, I had to vote for Erik's this time, the picture was just so crisp and clear. The only thing that was distracting (detracting?) in the photo, was the conductor left the bathroom door open! Pewwww, must have needed some fresh air.
    On another note, WOW are railroads picky. On my last interview for a conductor trainee on the shortline Tazewell & Peoria (formerly Peoria & Pekin Union), the only thing the interviewers were worried about, was that my previous jobs have all been inside! I think this was the only reason they did not hire me. Also they had a couple of people with college degrees they hired that quit after only working a few days.
    Keep up the GREAT work with the "Trackside" photos!
    Stay Safe, Jim
  • Gotta Love the WC!

    Dave Howarth Jr. Livin' On Former CNW Spur From Manitowoc To Appleton In Reedsville, WI

    - Formerly From The Home of Wisconsin Central's 5,000,000th Carload

    - Manitowoc Cranes, Manitowoc Ice Machines, Burger Boat

  • I actually like the picture with the door closed but on a sunny hot day I'm all for creature comforts. I myself travel in my car most of the time with the window open-nothing like a fresh breeze while traveling! Additionally I like red and colorful close-up pictures.
  • This one was extremely tough to decide. Both shots were well executed and showed off both the locomotives and some (or, in Erik's case, all) of the consist. Since Erik's train was much shorter, he has a tighter shot than Mike's but that didn't influence my voting. In the end, I decided that a photo of a locomotive with the nose door open is not often seen so Erik's entry got my vote because it was a more unusal subject. I suspect that most other photographers would have tossed such a shot in the wastebasket as a spoiled picture so congratulations Erik for being bold enough to put up a picture that most railfans would deem unacceptable.
  • It's nice seeing a bell on a widecab's hood...not a common sight.
  • Mike got my vote this week, I just liked it better. Erik, now you know you should have flagged that train down and told the crew th SHUT THAT D*** DOOR. Some folks
    don't realize when you go out to photograph trains, you "take" what you get. Thanks to both of you, as far as I am concerned neither of you has submitted a bad photo. Keep up the good work.