E-mail newsletters

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E-mail newsletters

  • I've been an avid railfan since the 1950's whe my father first brought me to a freight yard ( where his long time friend worked ) . The BUG BIT me and never left..!!!
    Having foregone my subscription to TRAINS twice , I have found the newsletter to be
    invaluable in keeping up with the latest news.

    THANKS , and keep up the good work

    Tom ( railfan47 )
  • I've been an avid railfan since the 1950's whe my father first brought me to a freight yard ( where his long time friend worked ) . The BUG BIT me and never left..!!!
    Having foregone my subscription to TRAINS twice , I have found the newsletter to be
    invaluable in keeping up with the latest news.

    THANKS , and keep up the good work

    Tom ( railfan47 )
  • Keep up the great work, I really enjoy the newsletters! Especially, the Trains News Wires. Thanks.
  • Keep up the great work, I really enjoy the newsletters! Especially, the Trains News Wires. Thanks.
  • [8D] I get the news letter and find it keeps me up to date on what is going on with the nations railroads. Thanks for the service.
  • [8D] I get the news letter and find it keeps me up to date on what is going on with the nations railroads. Thanks for the service.
  • The only reason I don't subscribe to any of the newsletters is that most people wont keep my Email address to themselves.

    If I subscribe, then I run the risk of being put on a SPAM LIST, and everyone on the internet will be sending me junk mail, on how to get a loan, prescription drugs, Viagra offers, etc.

    I would need a gaurantee in writing, that if I subscribe, my email addy would not be handed out to anyone willing to buy it.
  • The only reason I don't subscribe to any of the newsletters is that most people wont keep my Email address to themselves.

    If I subscribe, then I run the risk of being put on a SPAM LIST, and everyone on the internet will be sending me junk mail, on how to get a loan, prescription drugs, Viagra offers, etc.

    I would need a gaurantee in writing, that if I subscribe, my email addy would not be handed out to anyone willing to buy it.
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by WabashCannonball

    The only reason I don't subscribe to any of the newsletters is that most people wont keep my Email address to themselves.

    If I subscribe, then I run the risk of being put on a SPAM LIST, and everyone on the internet will be sending me junk mail, on how to get a loan, prescription drugs, Viagra offers, etc.

    I would need a gaurantee in writing, that if I subscribe, my email addy would not be handed out to anyone willing to buy it.

    We don't sell or rent our list of members' e-mail addresses to anyone. I hate spam more than anyone. I have multiple trains.com e-mail address that are throughout the site filter back to me. As a result, I get hundreds of spam e-mails a day. I wouldn't want to be a cause of the problem.

    To read our privacy statement, click here: http://corporate.kalmbach.com/kalmbach/privacy.asp

    If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me at editor@trains.com. You could also post a question in this forum to ask other users for their opinions or testimonials. If they're getting spam, it's caused by someone other than Trains.com. You have my word.

    Sign up, I'm sure you'll enjoy our newsletters.

    Best wishes,
    Erik Bergstrom
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by WabashCannonball

    The only reason I don't subscribe to any of the newsletters is that most people wont keep my Email address to themselves.

    If I subscribe, then I run the risk of being put on a SPAM LIST, and everyone on the internet will be sending me junk mail, on how to get a loan, prescription drugs, Viagra offers, etc.

    I would need a gaurantee in writing, that if I subscribe, my email addy would not be handed out to anyone willing to buy it.

    We don't sell or rent our list of members' e-mail addresses to anyone. I hate spam more than anyone. I have multiple trains.com e-mail address that are throughout the site filter back to me. As a result, I get hundreds of spam e-mails a day. I wouldn't want to be a cause of the problem.

    To read our privacy statement, click here: http://corporate.kalmbach.com/kalmbach/privacy.asp

    If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me at editor@trains.com. You could also post a question in this forum to ask other users for their opinions or testimonials. If they're getting spam, it's caused by someone other than Trains.com. You have my word.

    Sign up, I'm sure you'll enjoy our newsletters.

    Best wishes,
    Erik Bergstrom
  • Thanks Erik!
    I will read the privacy statement, and probably sign up.

    By the way Erik, I could show you, and the webmaster of this site, how to "scramble" all your email links, so that the "Spam-spiders" can't read them to harvest them in spam lists if you want.

    My scrambling method, (a simple HTML code that you could cut copy and paste), applies to emails, AND webpages.

    I never type out the actual email address in anything, especially webpages, because there are millions of robotic spam-bots that search the web, looking to harvest email addresses from webpages, forums, guestbooks, etc.

    You have my email addy, since I'm registered, so if this interests you, feel free to email me for instructions on how to do this.

    Maybe Kambalch Pub. has a job for me? Hahahahahahah
    Just joking.
  • Thanks Erik!
    I will read the privacy statement, and probably sign up.

    By the way Erik, I could show you, and the webmaster of this site, how to "scramble" all your email links, so that the "Spam-spiders" can't read them to harvest them in spam lists if you want.

    My scrambling method, (a simple HTML code that you could cut copy and paste), applies to emails, AND webpages.

    I never type out the actual email address in anything, especially webpages, because there are millions of robotic spam-bots that search the web, looking to harvest email addresses from webpages, forums, guestbooks, etc.

    You have my email addy, since I'm registered, so if this interests you, feel free to email me for instructions on how to do this.

    Maybe Kambalch Pub. has a job for me? Hahahahahahah
    Just joking.
  • I've talked to our online publishing department about my spam problem. I just need to take the time to reorganize the Contact Us pages to remove the e-mail addressed that are no longer needed. It's low on the priority list, but shouldn't be because it would save me the time of scrolling through the Spam e-mail lists that are generated (that lets me pull out "good" e-mails that got caught by the filter). Unfortunately, there always seems to be a more pressing matter and instead of taking care of myself, I take care of someone else. I guess that's just shows how nice I am. (For those who know me, roll your eyes now.)

    Take care,
    Erik Bergstrom
  • I've talked to our online publishing department about my spam problem. I just need to take the time to reorganize the Contact Us pages to remove the e-mail addressed that are no longer needed. It's low on the priority list, but shouldn't be because it would save me the time of scrolling through the Spam e-mail lists that are generated (that lets me pull out "good" e-mails that got caught by the filter). Unfortunately, there always seems to be a more pressing matter and instead of taking care of myself, I take care of someone else. I guess that's just shows how nice I am. (For those who know me, roll your eyes now.)

    Take care,
    Erik Bergstrom
  • I did not realise that I had unsubscribed, but then again I should have realised I was not receiving any. Doh!