What do you collect most?

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What do you collect most?

  • What is the most popular railroading thing to collect and what do you have the most of?

    Artwork? (paintings, sculptures, figurines, etc.)
    Magazines? (could be # of issues or # of differnt names)
    Home Videos?
    Postcards? (old & new)
    Cigarette lighters?
    Railroad equipment? (lanterns, timetables, etc.)
    Other novelty items?

    This list isn't all inclusive. It could be something as obscure as having the most railroad spikes or maybe you hang on to everything about railroads that comes in the mail. I have all these magazines from Walthers that I never asked for but never threw away. I also recieved some unsolicited sample Christmas cards in the mail a couple times. Maybe someone has more than I do.

    I have 19 videos (includes both VHS and DVD formats). I have about 16 or more books. I can't begin to tell you how many magazines I have. I began subscribing to Trains Magazine back in 1997. I have at least one issue of every magazine the bookstore had to offer over the last several years.

    Books are still my favorite thing to collect.

    yad sdrawkcab s'ti

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  • I collect books, mostly about the New Haven railroad, which I grew up near. I was your typical prototypical pest around the station in my hometown and considered that the world had come to an end when Penn Central took over. I also collect railroad art work (which my wife sometimes allows me wall space to display) and HO gauge NYNH+H RR stuff... of the late 50's and 60's era (the so called "McGinnis" years.) I have a ton of photos I have snapped of SF out in Arizona and NS here in Georgia.
  • I collect books, mostly about the New Haven railroad, which I grew up near. I was your typical prototypical pest around the station in my hometown and considered that the world had come to an end when Penn Central took over. I also collect railroad art work (which my wife sometimes allows me wall space to display) and HO gauge NYNH+H RR stuff... of the late 50's and 60's era (the so called "McGinnis" years.) I have a ton of photos I have snapped of SF out in Arizona and NS here in Georgia.
  • Amtrak Timetables, Vidoes and Misolance
  • Amtrak Timetables, Vidoes and Misolance
  • Amtrak Timetables, Vidoes and Misolance
  • Amtrak Timetables, Vidoes and Misolance
  • I collect books, 150+, magazines - all but 6 MR back to 1950 and some before then, all of RMC back to 1972 plus quite a few before then, oll of NMRA Bulletin back to 1972, many, many issues of Trains, S Gaugian, S gauge Herald, Classic Trains, Classic Toy Trains, NWSL, and others. I also have lots of models in HO, S, and O, many of which are no longer made.
    I have been accumulating for over 30 years now.
    If you're having fun, you're doing it the right way.
  • I collect books, 150+, magazines - all but 6 MR back to 1950 and some before then, all of RMC back to 1972 plus quite a few before then, oll of NMRA Bulletin back to 1972, many, many issues of Trains, S Gaugian, S gauge Herald, Classic Trains, Classic Toy Trains, NWSL, and others. I also have lots of models in HO, S, and O, many of which are no longer made.
    I have been accumulating for over 30 years now.
    If you're having fun, you're doing it the right way.
  • I collect anything and everything on steam locos.
  • I collect anything and everything on steam locos.
  • I mostly collect books and postwar Lionels, but I also collect railroad lanterns, heralds, spikes, videos, t-shirts, prints, knick-knacks, magazines, catologs,

    [zzz] [%-)] [zzz] [%-)] [zzz] [%-)] [zzz] Hmmmm, this is tedious.

    Just a little of everything.
  • I mostly collect books and postwar Lionels, but I also collect railroad lanterns, heralds, spikes, videos, t-shirts, prints, knick-knacks, magazines, catologs,

    [zzz] [%-)] [zzz] [%-)] [zzz] [%-)] [zzz] Hmmmm, this is tedious.

    Just a little of everything.
  • I collect anything that is from the Grand Trunk Railroad e.g. photos, HO cars,locos, books, magazines, patches, timetables, coffee mugs etc., - I also collect items from Canadian National as well.
    Actually it doesnt really matter what roadname it is - if it appeals to me I'll buy it - but if its GTW or CN GOTTA HAVE IT!
  • I collect anything that is from the Grand Trunk Railroad e.g. photos, HO cars,locos, books, magazines, patches, timetables, coffee mugs etc., - I also collect items from Canadian National as well.
    Actually it doesnt really matter what roadname it is - if it appeals to me I'll buy it - but if its GTW or CN GOTTA HAVE IT!